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DFG CRC/Transregio 39 PT-PIESA


Review of the 2nd founding period

On the second founding period (2010 -2014) the results on the basis of concrete structural components with a more defined Sensor-Actor-Function were demonstrated. Through the cooperation during two founding periods an interdisciplinary, committed and highly motivated team of experienced staff, as well as young researches, has been established. Thus a consistently networking of simulation, manufacturing technologies for sensor-actuator modules and production technologies was expanded as core competence to solve the complex questions of SFB/TR 39. The networking took place continuously at the level of the project area, process chains, the discipline specific work groups and the different locations. The measurable results of this successful cooperation are the functional demonstrations, which show the results of the manufacturing technologies and the potentials of the series application. This has allowed initiating application-based projects, in which opened new functional scope through the manufacturing technologies are in foreground. As result of the second founding period a transfer of the close chain processes was carried out for the component production in the industrial practice through the transfer projects on the third founding period.

Website 2nd Founding Period

Review of the 1st founding period

On the first founding period (2006-2010) within the context of SFB/TR an interconnected infrastructure was established. This concerned firstly the acquisition and the commissioning of the manufacturing technologies. On the other hand the vision of the SFB/TR was acquired by committed and motivated team of researchers and an efficient organizational form was created by the constitution of five working groups, which carries out the needed interdisciplinary networking.

Website 1st Founding Period

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