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DFG CRC/Transregio 39 PT-PIESA
DFG CRC/Transregio 39 PT-PIESA 


Peter S, Speck F, Lindner M, Seyller T:
Analysis of a-SiCN:H films by X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
Vacuum 138 (2017) S. 191-198, DOI 10.1016/j.vacuum.2016.09.016


Drossel W G, Schubert A, Koriath H J, Wittstock V, Volker et. al.:
Inherent Process Monitoring for Piezoceramic Transducers Integration
In: EUSPEN 16th International Conference & Exhibition, Nottingham, 2016

Drossel W G,  et. al.:
Condition Monitoring of Piezoceramic Fibers during Joining by Forming
In: Proceedings SysInt, 2016

Holeczek K, Starke E, Winkler A, Dannemann M, Modler N:
Numerical and Experimental Characterization of Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic composite Structures with Embedded Piezoelectric Sensor-Actuator-Arrays for Ultrasonic Applications
In: Applied Sciences Vol. 55 No.6, 2016

Nierla M, Rupitsch S J:
Hybrid Seminumerical Simulation Scheme to Predict Transducer Outputs of Acoustic Microscopes
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, Vol. 63, No. 2 February 20016

Peter S, Speck F, Lindner M, Seyller T:
Analysis of a-SiCN:H films by X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy
In: Kovač J, Jakša G (Hrg):  Program and book of abstracts / 16th Joint Vacuum Conference (JVC-16) [and] 14th European Vacuum Conference (EVC-14) [and] 23rd Croatian-Slovenian Vacuum Meeting, [6-10 June 2016, Portorož, Slovenia] Ljubljana : Slovenian Society for Vacuum Technique (DVTS), 2016, p. 40 ISBN 978-961-92989-8-5  

Serban D A, Weisserborn O, Geller S, Marsavina L, Gude M, :
Evaluation of the Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Long fibre Reinforced Polyurethane Rigid Foams
In: Polymer Testing 49 (2016), S. 121-127

Stein S, Heberle J, Suchy M, Tenner F, Hugger F, Roth S, Schmidt M:
High Temperature Laser Based on Demand Micro Joining of Thin Metallic Layers or Foils using Bronze Braze Preforms
In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Vol. 11 No. 1, 2016


Decker R., Heinrich M., Tröltzsch J., Rhein S., Gebhardt S., Michaelis A., Kroll L.:
Development and characterization of piezo-active polypropylene compounds filled with PZT and CNT.
In: Proceedings 5th Scientific Symposium CRC/Transregio 39, pp. 59-64, 2015.

Drossel W G, Schubert A, Nestler M, Hensel S, Müller R, Müller M, Müller B, Jahn S F:
Novel sheet metal parts with sensor and actuator mode of operation.
In: Forming with Intelligence, Flexibility and Lightweight, Proceedings of the 34th International Deep Drawing Research Group, IDDRG 2015, Shanghai, Juni 2015, S. 674-687

Drossel W G, Müller R, Ihlemann J, Rudolph M, Hensel S, Nestler M:
Local pre-curing of an adhesive for the fabrication of shaped piezo-metal-compounds.
5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium PT-Piesa, September 2015, S.41-46

Drossel W G, Schubert A, Koriath H J, Wittstock V, Peter S, Müller R, Müller M, Hensel S, Nestler M, Jahn S F, Pierer A, Müller B, Schmidt M:
Experimental and numerical study on the electro-mechanical behavior of piezoceramic fibers during joining by forming.
5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium PT-Piesa, September 2015, S. 71-76

Eßlinger S, Geller S, Hohlfeld K, Gebhardt S, Michaelis A, Gude M, Schönecker A, Neumeister P:
Novel poling method for active fibre-reinforced polyurethane composites.
In: Proc. 5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, 14.-16. September, 2015, Dresden, Germany, pp. 23-27

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Schwankl M, Gerlach G, Singer R F, Körner C:
Evaluation of polarisation state of light metal embedded piezoelectrics
Advances in Applied ceramics, 114 (2015) 226-230 doi: 10.1179/1743676114Y.0000000222

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Characterization of the polarization state of embedded piezoelectric transducers by thermal waves and thermal pulses.
SENSOR 2015, 17. Internationaler Kongress für Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg, 19-21. Mai, 2015.

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Polarization characterization of integrated ferroelectrics by thermal waves and thermal pulses.
13th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity – EMF 2015, University of Porto (Portugal), June 28 - July 3, 2015, Oral contribution, Electronic abstracts 2B-2O.

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Application of the Thermal Pulse Method to Evaluate the Polarization State of Piezoceramics. “Light-Weight Design by Function Integration“
5th Scientific Symposium of the CRC/TR 39 PT-PIESA, Dresden (Germany), September 14-16, 2015

Heinrich M, Decker R, Schaufuß J, Tröltzsch J, Mehner J, Kroll L:
Electrical contact properties of micro-injection molded Polypropylene/CNT/CB-composites on metallic electrodes.
Advanced Material Research, 1103: pp. 77-83, 2015.

Hohlfeld K, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A, Michaelis A:
PZT components derived from polysulphone spinning process.
Advances in Applied Ceramics 2015; 114(4), 231-237. DOI: 10.1179/1743676114Y.0000000229

Hohlfeld K, Zapf M, Shah G, Gebhardt S, Gemmeke H, Ruiter N V, Michaelis A:
Fabrication of single fiber based piezocomposite transducers for 3D USCT.
In: Proc. 5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, 14.-16. September, 2015, Dresden, Germany, pp. 95-99

Kräusel V, Graf A, Heinrich M, Decker R, Caspar M, Kroll L, Hardt W, Göschel A:
Development of hybrid assembled composites with sensory function.
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 64(1): pp. 25–28, 2015.

Müller M, Müller B, Hensel S, Nestler M, Jahn S F, Müller R, Schubert A, Drossel W G:
Structural integration of piezoceramic fibers in deep drawn sheet metal for material-integrated health monitoring.
Mechatronics, Available online 20 October 2015 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mechatronics.2015.09.006)

Rupitsch S J, Ilg J:
Complete Characterization of Piezoceramic Materials by Means of Two Block-Shaped Test Samples
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 52 No. 7 July 2015
Link: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7152734

Schwankl M, Kimme S, Pohle C, Drossel W-G, Körner C:
Active Vibration Damping in Structural Aluminium Die Castings via Piezoelectricity - Technology an Characterization
Advanced Engineering Materials, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/adem.201400367

Stein S, Wedler J, Rhein S, Gebhardt S, Schmidt M, Körner C, Michaelis A:
Investigations on the process chain for the integration of piezoelectric ceramics into die casted aluminum structures
In: Proceedings of 5th Scientific Symposium "Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions" Dresden, Germany ,2015

Stein S, Wedler J, Rhein S, Gebhardt S, Schmidt M, Körner C, Michaelis A:
Investigations on laser based joining of novel thermo-plastic compatible piezoceramic modules
In: Proceedings of 5th Scientific Symposium "Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions" Dresden, Germany ,2015

Stein S, Suchy M, Tenner F, Roth S, Schmidt M:
Laser Droplet Brazing for Thermally Stable Contracting of Piezo Modules Using CuSn11 Braze Preforms
In: LAMP 2015 - The 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing, Conference Proceeding

Suchaneck G, Eydam A, Gerlach G:
Nondestructive evaluation of embedded piezoelectric transducers by thermal wave and pulse methods. 
Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies (FM&NT-2015), Vilnius (Lithuania), October 5 – 8, 2015, Invited talk.

Weiß M, Ilg J, Hohlfeld K, Gebhardt S, Rupitsch S J, Lerch R, Michaelis A:
Inverse Method for determining piezoelectric material parameters of piezoceramic fiber composites.
In: Proc. 5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, 14.-16. September, 2015, Dresden, Germany, pp. 77-82

Zapf M, Hohlfeld K, Shah G, Gebhardt S, van Dongen K W A, Gemmeke H, Michaelis A, Ruiter N V:
Evaluation of piezo composite based omnidirectional single fibre transducers for 3D USCT.
In: Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2015, 21.-24. October, Taipei, Taiwan, 4 pages, DOI: 0.1109/ULTSYM.2015.0552


Drossel W G, Hensel S, Nestler M, Lachmann L, Schubert A , Müller M, Müller B:
Experimental and numerical study on shaping of aluminum sheets with integrated piezoceramic fibers.
In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 214, Issue 2, 2014, S. 217-228, ISSN 0924-0136, doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2013.08.011

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Nondestructive evaluation of embedded piezoelectric transducers.
In: AMF-AMEC-2014, The Joint Conference of 9th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics & 9th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics, Shanghai (China), Oct. 26-30, 2014, O017-5D-A263.

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Characterization of PZT disks and of embedded PZT plates by thermal wave methods.
In: 14th Edition of Electroceramics Conference, Abstract book, Bucharest (Romania), June 16-20, 2014. p.8.

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Esslinger S,  Schönecker A, Neumeister P, Gerlach G:
Polarization characterization of PZT disks and of embedded PZT plates by thermal wave methods.
AIP Conf. Proceedings 1627 (2014) 31-36; doi: 10.1063/1.4901653

Geller S, Neumeister P, Gude M, Tyczynski T:
Studies on Polarisation Behaviour of Novel Piezoelectric Sensor Modules , Sensor and Actuators
In: Physical 218(2014) S. 162-166

Gude M, Geller S:
Active Lightweight Components Based on Cellular Fiber-Reinforced Polyurethane Composites with Integrated Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators
In: Proceedings zu Cellular Materials Cellmat 2014, Dresden, Germany, October 2014

Hugger F*, Hofmann K, Stein S, Schmidt M:
Laser Beam Welding of Brass
In: 8th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 2014

Landgraf R, Rudolph  M, Scherzer R, Ihlemann J:
Modelling and Simulation of Adhesive Curing Processes in Piezo Metal Composites,
In: Computational Mechanics- 54(2):547-565

Müller M, Müller B, Hensel S, Nestler M, Jahn S. F, Wittstock V, Schubert A, Drossel W G:
Structural integration of PZT fibers in deep drawn sheet metal for material-integrated sensing and actuation,
In: Procedia Technology, Vol. 15, 2014, S. 659-668, doi: 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.09.027

Neumeister P, Eßlinger S, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A, Flössel M:
Effect of Mechanical Constraints in Thin Ceramic LTCC/PZT Multilayers on the Polarization Behavior of Embedded PZT.
Int J Appl Ceram Technol (9pp), doi:10.1111/ijac.12218
Neumeister P, Flössel M, Eßlinger S, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A:
Effect of mechanical constraints in thin ceramic LTCC/PZT multilayers on the polarization behavior of the embedded PZT
Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Techn., 2014.
Nestler M, et.al.:
Fabrication Method for Series Production of Sheet Metal Parts with Integrated Piezoelectric Transducers
In: Procedia Technology, Vol. 15, 2014

Peter S, Günther M, Gordan O, Berg S, Zahn D R T, Seyller T:
Experimental analysis of the thermal annealing of hard a-C:H films
Diamond and Related Materials 45 (2014), 43-57.
DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2014.03.005

Schubert A, Jahn S F, Müller B: 
Generation of Microcavities in Aluminium Sheets by Forming,
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing - nanoMan2014, 2014

Schubert A, Jahn S F, Müller B: 
Evaluation of tribological properties of AlMg4.5Mn0.7 in massive microforming using the barrel compression test.
In: Key Engineering Materials, Volumes 611-612, 2014, S. 597-605, ISSN 1662-9795, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.611-612.597

Schubert A, Jahn S F, Müller B: 
Evaluation of tribological properties of AlMg4.5Mn0.7 in massive microforming using the barrel compression test.
In: Material Forming ESAFORM 2014, S. 597-605, ISBN-13: 978-3-03835-106-1

Schubert A, Jahn S. F, Müller B: 
Modular Tool Concept and Process Design for Micro Impact Extrusion.
In: Precision Engineering, Volume 38,Issue 1, 2014, S. 57-63, doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2013.07.004
(published online)

Stein S *, Heberle J, F, Cvecek K, Roth S, Schmidt M:
Influences of Nozzle Material in Laser Droplet Brazing Joints with CU89Sn11 Preforms: 8th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 2014
In: Physics Procesdia (2014), Nr. 56, S. 709-719

Stein S *, Heberle J, Hugger F, Roth S, Schmidt M:
Düsenbasiertes Laserstrahl-Löten mit Formteilen zur hochtemperaturfesten Kontaktierung piezokeramischer Substrate
In: Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik Tagungsband: LEF 2014, Fürth, Germany, 12-13 März 2014


Eßlinger S, Neumeister P, Schönecker A:
Effect of temperature path on the poling of commercial hard PZT ceramics and its implication for mass production.
In Int. J. Ceram. Sci. Tech, 2013.

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of the polarization state of integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators using the thermal wave method
Key Engineering Materials 543 (2013), 503-506

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Hohlfeld K, Gebhardt S, Rübner M, Schwankl M, Michaelis A, Singer R F, Körner C, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of the polarization state of integrated piezoelectric modules using the thermal wave method.
In: R. Neugebauer (Ed.): 4th Scientific Symposium “Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions”. March 26-27, 2013, Nuremberg, DFG CRC/Transregio 39, 87-92.

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Rübner M, Schwankl M, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of the polarization state of piezoelectrics embedded into light metal structures.
In: Piezo 2013, Electroceramics for End-users VII, Les Arcs (France), March 17-20, 2013. Book of Abstracts, p 9.

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Nondestructive evaluation of polarization in integrated piezoelectrics by the thermal wave method. 
In: 8th Interna-tional Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, Gasellenbach (Germany), September 25-28, 2012, Abstracts, p. 8.

Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Hohlfeld K, Gebhardt S, Michaelis A, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of the polarization state of piezofiber composites.
IEEE Interna-tional Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Joint IEEE-International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Work-shop (ISAF-PFM), Joint IEEE-International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency And Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF)
Prague (Czech Republic), July 21-25, 2013.  Electronic Proc., 190 – 193. doi: 10.1109/ISAF.2013.6748683

Hufenbach W, Fischer W J, Gude M, Geller S, Tyczynski T:
Processing studies for the development of a manufacture process for intelligent lightweight structures with integrated sensor systems and adapted electronics.
Procedia Materials Science 2 (2013), S. 74-82
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Geller S:
Prozessentwicklung zur serientauglichen Integration neuartiger piezoelektrischer Sensorelemente in Glasfaser-Polyurethan-Verbundwerkstoffe.
19. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, Karlsruhe, 03.-05. Juli 2013
Hufenbach W, Fischer W J, Michaelis A, Gebhardt S, Geller S, Tyczynski T, Heinig A, Weder A, Hohlfeld K:
High-volume production of glass fibre-reinforced polyurethane composite structures with integrated piezoceramic sensor elements and adapted electronics.
4. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des SFB/TR 39 "PT-PIESA", Nürnberg, Deutschland, 26.-27.03.2013
Ilg J, Rupitsch S, Lerch R:
Impedance based Temperature Sensing with Piezoceramic Devices
Sensors Journal, IEEE , in press.
Ilg J, Rupitsch S, Lerch R:
Vibration based determination of temperature and frequency dependent material parameters for different material classes
4. Wissenschaftliches Symposium PT-Piesa, März 2013.
Müller M, Peter S, Berg S, Heinrich M, Walther M, Hohlfeld K, Heberle J, Quentin U, Koriath H J, Gebhardt S, Schmidt M, Michaelis  A, Kroll L, Richter F, Neugebauer R:
Microstructured Piezoceramic and Fibre Composite Transducers for Active Semi-Finished Products.
CRC/TR39 4th Scientific Symposium “Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions”, Nuremberg (Germany), April 2013
Müller M, Read S, Matope S, van der Merwe A, Wittstock V, Neugebauer R:
Handling Robots for High-Volume Microassembly – an Economic and Technological Comparison of Different Kinematic Principles.
In: Dimitrov, D. (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing COMA'13, Stellenbosch (South Africa), January 2013, pp. 257–262.

Neugebauer R, Schubert A, Koriath H J, Jahn S. F, Müller B, Müller M:
Microfabricated piezo-metal substructures for sensor integration in large sheet metal parts, In: Proceedings of the 13th euspen International Conference, 2013, Volume: 2, P. 109-112,
ISBN 13: 978-0-9566790-2-4

Neugebauer R,Schubert A, Drossel WG, Lachmann L, Koriath HJ, Jahn S, Nestler M, Hensel S, Müller B, Müller M:
Deep Drawing of Metal Sheets with Integrated Piezo-Metal Substructures.
CRC/TR39 4th Scientific Symposium “Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions”, Nuremberg (Germany), April 2013
Neugebauer R, Koriath H J, Müller M:
Assembly of smart adaptronic piezo-metal composites by use of prefabricated batches of piezoceramic micro part.
Proc. SPIE 8692. Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, 2013, 869224 (April 19, 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2010504
Neugebauer R, Ihlemann J, Lachmann L, Drossel W G, Hensel S, Nestler M, Landgraf R, Rudolph M:
Experiments and FE-Simulation of the forming and curing process of bonded Piezo-Metal-Structures.
CRC/TR39 4th Scientific Symposium "Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions", Chemnitz (Germany), 26.-27.03.2013

Nicolai M, Eßlinger S, Schönecker A:
Identification of process parameters for efficient poling of PZT ceramics for mass production.
In J Electroceram., 2013.

Nicolai M, Eßlinger S, Schönecker A:
Identification of process parameters for efficient poling of PZT ceramics for mass production.
In J Electroceram., 2013.

Peter S, Bernütz S, Berg S, Richter F:
FTIR analysis of a-SiCN:H films deposited by PECVD
Vacuum 98 (2013) 81-87
DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2013.04.014
Peter S, Günther M, Berg S, Clausner A, Richter F:
Mild-frequency PECVD of a-SiCN:H films and their structural, mechanical and electrical properties
In: Vacuum 90 (2013) 155-159
Quentin U, Heberle J, Held C, Schmidt, M:
Laser Droplet Brazing for Electrical Contacting of Composite Materials with Integrated Active Elements
Procedia Materials Science, Volume 2, 2013, Pages 181-188
Schubert A, Jahn S F, Müller B:
Microstructuring by a Combination of Micro Impact Extrusion and Shear Displacement Forming,
In: Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 554-557, 2013, S. 893-899, ISSN 1662-9795, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.554-557.893
Schubert A, Wittstock V, Koriath H J, Jahn S F, Peter S, Müller B, Müller M:
Smart Metals Sheets by Direct Functional Integration of Piezoceramic Fiber
In: Microsystem Technologies DOI: 10.1007/s00542-013-1836-6 (in press)
Schubert A, Wittstock V, Jahn S F, Müller B, Müller M:
Joining by forming of piezoceramic macro-fiber arrays within micro-structured surfaces of aluminum sheets.
In: Production Engineering (in press), doi:10.1007/s11740-013-0498-7
Schubert A, Jahn S F, Müller B:
Modular Tool Concept and Process Design for Micro Impact Extrusion.
In: Precision Engineering, 2013, doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2013.07.004 (in press)
Schwankl M, Kellner R, Singer R F, Körner C:
The influence of sandblasting on the morphology of electroless deposited zinclayers on aluminum sheets
In: Applied Surface Science (2013), DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.06.082
Schwankl M, Rübner M, Singer R F, Körner C:
Integration of PZT-Ceramic Modules using Hybrid Structures in High Pressure Die Casting.
In: Procedia Materials Science – Materials Science Engineering, Symposium B6 – Hybrid Structures, 2 (2013), S. 166-172
Shutov A V, Landgraf R, Ihlemann J:
An explicit solution for implicit time stepping in finite strain viscoelasticity.
In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1304.3380, 2013
Suchaneck G, Eydam  A, Rübner M, Schwankl  M, Gerlach G:
A simple thermal wave method for the evaluation of the polarization state of embedded piezoceramics.
Ceramics International 39 (2013) Supplement 1 S587-S590.
Suchaneck G, Eydam A, Gerlach G:
A Laser intensity modulation method for the evaluation of the polarization state of embedded piezoceramics.
Ferroelectrics 453 (2013) 127-132.
Suchaneck G, Eydam A, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of the pyroelectric response of embedded piezoelectrics by means of a Nyquist plot.
IEEE-International Ul-trasonics Symposium (IUS), Joint IEEE-International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Workshop (ISAF-PFM), Joint IEEE-International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency And Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF), Prague (Czech Republic), July 21-25, 2013. Electronic Proceedings, 1969 – 1972. doi: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2013.0502.
Weder A, Geller S, Heinig A, Tyczynski T, Hufenbach W, Fischer W J:
A novel technology for the high-volume production of intelligent composite structures with integrated piezoceramic sensors and electronic components. Sensors and Actuators
A: Physical, DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2013.01.050
Weder A:
Entwurf anwendungsspezifischer drahtloser Körpernetzwerke zur Vitalparameterübertragung.
Dissertation, TU Dresden, 2013


Drossel W G, Hensel S, Nestler M, Lachmann L, Neugebauer R:
Actuator and sensor performance of piezo-metal-composites.
In: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers -IEEE-: IEEE Sensors 2012 : October 28-31, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, New York,USA: IEEE, 2012, S.355-358 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICSENS.2012.6411480)
Eydam  A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of the polarization state of integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators using the thermal wave method
International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (IC-MAST), Budapest, Hungary  (24.-28.05.2012), Oral contribution, Abstract book, p.52
Eydam  A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Evualuation of the polarization state of embedded piezoceramics by charge monitoring during the periodic heating
ELECTROCERAMICS XIII; Enschede, Netherlands, (24.-27.06.2012), Abstracts, p.135
Fössel M, Lieske U, Klesse Th, Gebhardt S:
Ceramic Based SHM Modules for Rough Environment
Vortrag+ Proc. ACTUATOR 2012, Bremen (18.- 20.06.2012)
Gebhardt S, Ernst D, Bramlage B, Fössel M, Schönecker A:
Integrated Piezoelectrics for Smart Microsystems- a teamwork of Substrate and Piezo
Proc. CIMTEC 2012, Montecatini Terme, I, (10.- 14.06.2012)
Heinrich M, Kroll L, Sichting F:
Process- related mechanical properties of conductive Nanocomposites based on CNT- filled Polypropylen
NanoSpain Conference 2012, Santander, Spain, 2012
Heinrich M, Sichting F, Walther M, Kroll L:
Large scale hybrid technologies for lightweight structures
The 1st MDEATED International Confernce, Pattaya, Thailand, 2012
Held C, Quentin U, Heberle J, Gürtler F-J, Weigl M, Schmidt M:
Laser Droplet Brazing for the Electrical Contacting of Composite Materials with Integrated Active Elements
Physics Procedia, Volume 39, 2012, Pages 585-593
Hufenbach W, Modle N, Winkler A:
Sensitivity analysis for the manufacturing of themoplastic e-preforms for active textile reinforced thermoplastic composites
MSE; 25-27. September 2012, Darmstadt, Deutschland
Hufenbach W, Fischer W-J, Gude M, Geller S, Tyczynski T:
Preocessing studies for the development of a manufacture process of intelligent lightweight structures with integrated sensor systems and adapted electronics
MSE; 25-27. September 2012, Darmstadt, Deutschland
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Geller S:
Function integrated fibre-reinforced polyurethane composites with cellular matrix for intelligent lightweight structures
Cellular Materials, Dresden, 07.-09. November 2012, Procedings (auf CD)
Ilg J, Rupitsch S J, Wolf F, Lerch R:
Temperature measurements by means of the electrical impedance of piezoceramics.
2012 IEEE I2MTC - International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Proceedings, pp 1851-1855,
2012. Graz, Österreich, 13.-16.05.12.
Klassen A, Rübner M, Ilg J, Rupitsch SJ, Lerch R, Singer R F, Körner C:
Influence of the fabrication process on the functionality of piezoceramic patch transducers embedded in aluminum die castings.
In: Smart Materials and Structures, 21 (2012) 115014 (11pp)
Kranz, Burkhard:
Beitrag zur numerischen Beschreibung des funktionellen Verhaltens von Piezoverbundmodulen.
Dissertation, TU Chemnitz, 2012,
online: http://bit.ly/1lJrBDX
Neugebauer R, Lachmann L, Drossel  W-G, Nestler M, Hensel S:
Smart Semi-Finished Parts for the Application in Sheet-Metal Structures.
Future trends in production engineering: Proceedings of the WGP Conference, Berlin, 2013, S.121-130 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24491-9_13)
Neugebauer R, Drossel W G, Lachmann L, Nestler M, Hensel S:
Actuator and Sensor Performance of Piezo-Metal-Composites.
IEEE Sensors Proceedings, Taiwan, 2012, S. 355-358, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1765-9
Peter S, Günther M, Berg S, Clausner A, Richter F:
Mid-frequency PECVD of a-SiCN:H films and their structural, mechanical and electrical properties
Journal title: Vacuum; available online: 12-APR-2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2012.04.001
Peter S, Bernütz S, Berg S, Richter F:
FTIR analysis of a-SiCN:H films deposited by PECVD
14th Joint Vacuum Conference- 12th European Vacuum Conference-11th Annual Meeting of the German Vacuum Society- 19th Croatian-Slovenian Vacuum Meeting, talk O11,5. Dubrovnik, Croatia (5.06.2012)
Peter S, Günther M, Gordan O, Berg S, Zahn D R T, Richter F:
Experimental analysis of the thermal annealing of hard a-C:H fims
International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, talk O100, Granada, Spain, (5.September.2012)
Peter S, Günthe M, Richter F:
A comparative analysis of a-C:H films deposited from five hydrocarbons by thermal desorption spectroscopy.
In: Vacuum 86 (2012) 667-671
Rupitsch S J, Wolf F, Sutor A, Lerch R:
Reliable modeling of piezoceramic materials utilized in sensors and actuators.
Acta Mechanica, 223, pp. 1809-1821, 2012.
Schönecker [et. al.]:
Development of Smart Structures with Integrated Piezoceramic Transducers
In: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 31st May 2012
Schönecker [et. al]:
Pizoeletric Multi- Material- Systems and Structures- Design, Technology and Furutre Perspectives
In: IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2012
Schubert A, Jahn S F, Müller B:
Influence of Different Tool Materials, Coatings and Lubricants onto Shape Accuracy during Micro Impact Extrusion
In: Proc. of the 12th euspen International Conference, Volume: 2, S. 75-79 Stockholm (Schweden), 04.- 08.06.2012, ISBN 978-3-942267-61-89566790-0-0
Suchaneck G, Eydam A, Hu W, Kranz B, Drossel W G, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of polarization of embedded piezoelectrics by the thermal wave method.
In: IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics and frequency control 59 (2012), Nr.9, S.1950-1954 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TUFFC.2012.2412)
Suchaneck G, Eydam A, Gerlach G:
A Simple Thermal Wave Method for the Evaluation of the Polarization State of Embedded Piezoceramics
8th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMEC-8), Penang, Malaysia, (1.-5.07.2012) Oral contribution 0032, Program and Abstract book p.37
Suchaneck G, Eydam A, Gerlach G:
A Laser Intensity Modulation Method for the Evaluation of the Polarization State of Embedded Piezoceramics
8th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics (AMF-8), Pattaya, Thailand (9.-14.12.2012)
Tracht K, Kuhfuss B, Brinksmeier E, Busse M, Kroll L, Hogreve S, Garbrecht M, Lehmhus D, Heinrich M, Bosse S:
Enabling the factories of the future: The role of smart systems in manufacturing and robotics
Smart Systems Integration 2012, Zürich
Weder A, Geller S, Heinig A, Tyczynski T, Hufenbach W, Fischer W-J:
Integration of Piezoceramic Sensor Elements and Electronic Components in Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyurethane Composite Structures.
Pocedia Engineering , 47 (2012), S. 354-357
Wolf  F, Sutor A, Rupitsch S J, Lerch R:
A generalized Preisach approach for piezoceramic materials incorporating uniaxial compressive stress
(2012) Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 186, pp. 223-229.


Albert F, Pfeiffer C, Schmidt M, Geiger M, Flössel M, Michaelis A:
Laser soldering and laser droplet joining for mechanical and electrical contacting of LTCC/PZT laminates.
In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 6 (2011) 1, S.75-80
Brückner B W, Gerlach G, Winkler A, Hu W, Hufenbach WA, Michaelis A, Modler N, Schönecker A J, Suchaneck G:
Novel approaches for the determination of the process specific polarization of piezoceramic modules embedded in thermoplastic composites.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 91-96
Brückner B, Winkler A, George M, Schönecker A, Modler N, Michaeis A, Hufenbach W:
Polarization of piezo modules in thermoplastic composites
ISPA 2011, 22.- 13. September 2011
Drossel W G, Hensel S, Kranz B:
Simulation models for design and production of active structural parts with deformed piezoceramic-metal compounds.
In: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers -SPIE-, Bellingham/Wash.: Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites 2010 : 8-11 March 2010 San Diego, California, United States Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2010, Paper 764428 (Proceedings of SPIE 7644) (URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-134228.html. Erstelldatum: 31.3.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.847513)
Flössel M, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A, Michaelis A:
Investigation on LTCC/PZT interface in a novel sensor-actuator-module for metal die casting.
In: Proceedings of ISAF 2011, Vancouver, 25.-27.07.2011
Flössel M, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A:
Development of LPMs (LTCC/PZT Modules).
ISPA 2011, Dresden (22.-23.09.2011)
Gude M, Hufenbach W, Modler N, Schmidt M, Geiger M, Heber T, Winkler A, Pfeiffer C, Albert F, Roth S:
Process development for high volume manufacture of thermoplastic composites with integrated piezoceramic modules.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements",
Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 59-64
Heber T:
Integrationsgerechte Piezokeramik- Module und großserienfähige Fertigungstechnologien für multifunktionale Thermoplastverbundstrukturen
Dissertation, TU Dresden, 2011
Heinrich M, Schulze R, Wegener M, Kroll L, Walther M, Schüller M, Geßner T:
Polymerbased piezoelectric modules by microinjection moulding technology for SHM
SHMII- 5, Cancun, Mexiko, 2011
Heinrich M, Kroll L, Walther M, Elsner H:
CNT- filled PP compound for insitu bonding and connection of piezoeletric ceramics by using multi- component micro injection molding
In: Neugebauer, R.: Tagungsband "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Components", 3rd Scientific Symposium CRC/ Transregio 39 PT Piesa, 12.- 13. Oktober 2011, Chemnitz 2011, S. 29- 34, ISBN: 978-3-00-035549-3
Hensel S, Drossel W-G, Ihlemann J, Lachmann L, Landgraf R, Neugebauer R, Nestler M:
Piezo-metal-composites in structural parts: Technological design, process simulation and material modelling.
In: Neugebauer, Reimund ; Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik -IWU-, Chemnitz; TU Chemnitz, Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Produktionsprozesse: Integration of active functions into structural components. 3rd Scientific Symposium CRC/Transregio 39 PT-PIESA, Chemnitz, 12.-13. Oktober 2011. High-volume production-compatible production technologies for lightmetal and fiber composite-based components with integrated piezo sensores and actuators
Chemnitz, 2011, S.51-56 (URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-183509.html. Erstelldatum: 7.12.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013)
Hu W, Flössel M, Suchaneck G, Jaenicke-Rößler K, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A, Gerlach G:
Determination of the polarization state in LTCC/PZT piezoelectric sensor-actuator modules.
In: Proceedings of Piezo 2011 “Electroceramics for Endusers V”, Sestriere (Italy), 27.02.-02.03.2011, Vortrag M14
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Fischer W-J, Heinig A, Geller S, Weder A:
Integration of electronic components in glass fibre-reinforced polyurethane composite structures.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications, Dresden (Germany), 22.-23.09.2011
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Modler N, Heber T, Tyczyski T, Winkler A:
Studien zur prozessimmanenten Online- Polarisation heipresstechnisch integrierter piezokeramischer Aktuatoren in Thermoplastverbundstrukturen
18. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, Chemnitz 30. März- 01. April 2011
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Heber T:
Consolidation behaviour during manufacture of adapted piezoceramic modules for functional integrated thermoplastic composite structures.
In: International Journal of Materials Research, 102 (2011) 8, S.1021-1026
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Heber T:
Embedding versus adhesive bonding of adapted piezoceramic modules for function-integrative thermoplastic composite structures.
In: Composites Science and Technology, 71 (2011), S. 1132–1137
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Heber T:
Numerical analysis of process induced residual stresses in thermoplastic-compatible piezoceramic modules.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications, Dresden (Germany), 22.-23.09.2011
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Heber T, Tyczynski T, Weber T, Winkler A:
Characterization of novel thermoplastic-compatible piezoceramic modules for function integrative composite structures.
In: Kompozyty Composites 11 (2011) 2, S. 147-151
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Zichner M, Heber T, Geller S:
Seriengerechte Integration piezokeramischer Sensor- und Aktuatorelemente in Glasfaser-Polyurethan-Verbundstrukturen.
In: Tagungsband 18. Symposium „Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde“, Chemnitz, 30.03.-01.04.2011, S. 283-288
Hufenbach W, Fischer W-J, Michaelis A, Gebhardt S, Geller S, Tyczynski T, Heinig A, Weder A, Hohlfeld K:
Integration of piezoceramic and electronic functional elements in glass fibre-reinforced polyurethane composite structures.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 65-69
Ilg J, Rupitsch S J, Wolf F, Lerch R:
Temperature measurements by means of electrical quantities of piezoceramics in smart materials.
In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Composite Structures, Porto (Portugal), 28.-30.06.2011
Klassen A, Rübner M, Ilg J, Rupitsch S J, Lerch R, Körner C, Singer R F:
Integration of piezoceramic sensors and actuators into structural components via high pressure die casting.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 45-50
Köhler S:
Experimentelle Charakterisierung des Aushärteverhaltens eines Epoxidharzklebstoff es.
TU Chemnitz, Projektarbeit, 2011
Landgraf R, Ihlemann J, Kolmeder S, Lion A:
Constitutive modeling, finite element implementation and simulation of thermomechanical coupled processes in curing materials.
In: Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Plasticity & its applications, Puerto Vallarta (Mexico), 03.-09.01.2011
Merbitz P:
Technologieentwicklung zur seriennahen Herstellung piezokeramischer Komposit-Halbzeuge.
TU Dresden, Diplomarbeit, 2011
Movchikova A A, Malyshkina O V, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G, Steinhausen R, Langhammer H T, Beige H:
Pyroelectric response as a sensitive tool for the characterization of piezoelectrics.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 77-79
Neugebauer R, Schubert A, Richter F, Koriath H J, Peter S, Berg S, Jahn S F, Müller B, Müller M:
Fabrication and Characterization of a Form- and Force-Locked Piezo-Metal Sensor Module.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 23-28.
Neugebauer R, Koriath H J, Regel J, Müller M:
Process chain and tolerance management for precision manufacturing of piezo-metal-modules.
In: Proceedings of the ISEM 2011, Stellenbosch (Südafrika), 21.-23.09.2011, S. 54-1 – 54-12.
Neugebauer R, Koriath H -J, Van der Merwe A F, Van Schalkwyk T D, Müller M, Matope S:
Micro-milling work-holding devices employing adhesive forces.
In: Proceedings of the ISEM 2011, Stellenbosch (Südafrika), 21.-23.09.2011, S. 73-1 – 73-8.
Neugebauer R, Koriath H J, Van der Merwe A F, Müller M, Matope S:
Study on Applicability of Adhesive Forces for Micro-Material Handling In Production Technology.
In: Proceedings of the ISEM 2011, Stellenbosch (Südafrika), 21.-23.09.2011, S. 55-1 – 55-12.
Neugebauer R, Ihlemann J, Lachmann L, Drossel W G, Hensel S, Nestler M, Landgraf R, Rudolph M:
Piezo-metal-composites in structural parts: Technological design, process simulation and material modelling.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011
Neugebauer R, Koriath H-J, Richter M, Müller M:
Miniature 3-DOF planar parallel kinematics with large work space for precision positioning of endeffectors.
In: Proceedings of the 11th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology – euspen, Como (Italy), 23.-26.05.2011, S. 315-318 – ISBN 13: 978-0-9553082-9-1
Neugebauer R, Lachmann L, Drossel W-G, Nestler M, Hensel S:
Smart semi-finished parts for the application in sheet-metal structures.
In: Schuh, Günther (Ed.); Uhlmann, Eckart (Ed.); Neugebauer, Reimund (Ed.) ; Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktionstechnik -WGP-;Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik -IWU-, Chemnitz; Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik -IPK-, Berlin: Future trends in production engineering : Proceedings of the first Conference of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP), Berlin, Germany, 8th-9th June 2011 Berlin: Springer, 2013, S.121-130 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24491-9_13)
Neugebauer R, Koriath H-J, Regel J, Müller M:
Process chain and tolerance management for precision manufacturing of piezo-metal-modules
in: Proceedings of the ISEM 2011, Stellenbosch (South Africa), September 2011, pp. 54(1)-54(12).
Neugebauer R, Lachmann L, Drossel W-G, Nestler M, Hensel S:
Multi-layer compounds with integrated actor-sensor-functionality.
In: Production Engineering. Research and development 4 (2010), Nr.4, S.379-384 (URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-138535.html. Erstelldatum: 8.4.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11740-010-0255-0)
Neugebauer R, Lachmann L, Drossel W-G, Hensel S, Kranz B, Nestler M:
Piezo-metal-composites as smart structures.
In: Hinduja, S.: Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth International MATADOR Conference Guildford,
Surrey: Springer London, 2010, S.175-178(URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-137438.html. Erstelldatum: 31.3.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013)
(DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84996-432-6_40)
Peter S, Günther M, Berg S, Richter F:
Mid-frequency PECVD of a-SiCN:H films and their structural, mechanical and electrical properties.
In: Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Vacuum based Science and Technology, Koszalin-Kolobrzeg (Poland), 19.-22.09.2011, Vortrag O6
Peter S, Günther M, Richter F:
A comparative analysis of a-C:H films deposited from five hydrocarbons by thermal desorption spectroscopy.
In: Proceedings of the 13th Joint Vacuum Conference (2011), Strbske Pleso (Slovak Republic), 20.-24.06.2010 – doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2011.07.037
Rupitsch S J, Ilg J, Lerch R:
Enhancement of the inverse method enabling the material parameter identification for piezoceramics
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, art. no. 6293051, pp. 357-360, 2011.
Rübner M, Günzl M, Körner C, Singer R F:
Aluminium-aluminium compound fabrication by high pressure die casting.
In: Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (2011), S. 7024-7029
Schubert A, Jahn S F, Müller B, Hackert- Oschätzchen M:
Study on the Influence of the Forming Velocity in Micro Impact Extrusion with Modular Dies.
In: Proceedings of the 11th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology – euspen, Como (Italy), 23.-26.05.2011, S. 20-24 – ISBN 13: 978-0-9553082-9-1
Schulze R, Heinrich M, Wegner M, Schüller M, Kroll L, Geßner T:
Mikrosysteme auf Basis der Mehrkomponentenmikrospritzgießtechnologie (Microsystems based on Multi Component Micro Injection Moulding Technology
Mikrosystemtechnik Konferenz 2011, Darmstadt (Germany), 2011 Oct 11- 12 pp 583- 586 (ISBN: 978-3-8007-3367-5)
Suchaneck G, Hu W, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of polarization of embedded piezoelectrics by the thermal square wave method.
In: Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics and International Symposium on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy & Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials – ISAF-2011-PFM Joint Conference, Vancouver (Canada), 24.-27.07.2011, Vortrag M-PM-A-7-O – DOI: 10.1109/ISAF.2011.6014120
Suchaneck G, Hu W, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of the Polarization State of Integrated Piezoelectrics Using Thermal Waves.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 87-90
Suchaneck G, Hu W, Gerlach G:
Thermal waves as a tool for the non-destructive evaluation of the polarization state of embedded piezoelectrics.
In: Abstract book of the 7th International Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, Oer-Erkenschwick (Germany), 04.-07.10.2011, S. 21
Suchaneck G, Hu W, Gerlach G, Flössel M, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A:
Nondestructive evaluation of polarization in LTCC/PZT piezoelectric modules by thermal wave methods.
In: Ferroelectrics, 420 (2010), S. 25-29
Sutor A, Rupitsch S J, Bi S, Lerch R:
A modified Preisach hysteresis operator for the modeling of temperature dependent magnetic material behaviour.
In: Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (2011) 7 – 07D338
Walther M, Nendel W, Heinrich M, Klärner M, Tröltzsch J, Kroll L:
Initial stress behaviour of micro injection- moulded devices with integrated piezo- fibre composites
4th International Joint Conference on Integrated Systems, Design and Technology. Siegen 2010.
In: Fathi, M. (Hrsg).: Integrated Systems, Design and Technology 2010. Knowledge Transfer in New Technologies. 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 2011. S. 109- 120. ISBN: 978-3-642-17383-7
Walther M, Heinrich M, Kroll L, Sichting F:
Microinjection molding of polypropylene filled with multiwall carbon nanotubes- Influence of processing prameters on the mechanical properties
Poster, 2nd nanotoday Conference, Waikoloa, USA., 2011
Wolf F, Sutor A, Rupitsch S J, Lerch R:
Modeling and measurement of creep- and rate-dependent hysteresis in ferroelectric actuators.
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 172 (1), pp. 245-252, 2011.


Albert F, Schmidt M, Flössel M, Michaelis A:
Laser soldering and laser droplet joining for mechanical and electrical contacting of LTCC/PZT laminates.
In: Journal of Laser Micro- / Nanoengineering, (2010)
Drossel W- G, Hensel S, Kranz B:
Simulation models for design and production of active structural parts with deformed piezoceramic-metal-compounds.
In: Proeedings of SPIE Smart Structures/NDE 2010 Vol. 7644, San Diego (California/USA), 07.-11.03.2010, S. 764428-1–764428-12 – http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.847513
Drossel W- G, Hensel S, Kranz B, Nestler M, Göschel A:
Sheet metal forming of piezo ceramic-metal-laminar structures – Simulation and experimental analysis.
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 58 (2009), S. 279-282 – begutachtet
Flössel M, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A, Michaelis A:
Development of a novel Sensor-Actuator-Module with ceramic multilayer technology.
In: JCST-Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology, 1 (2010) 1, S. 55-58
Günther M, Peter S, Richter F:
Optical emission spectroscopy to characterise mid-frequency pulsed discharges used for a C:H deposition.
In: Proceedings of the 13th Joint Vacuum Conference – JVC13, Štrbské Pleso (Slovakia), 20.-24.06.2010 – ISBN 978-80-7399-969-8
Herrmann M, Richter F:
An alternative way to determine Young´s modulus of thin films.
In: Proceedings of the 74th Annual Meeting 2010 and DPG-Spring Meeting of the Division Condensed Matter, Regensburg (Germany), 21.-26.03.2010
Herrmann M, Richter F:
Critical issues in determining Young´s modulus and yield strength of thin films and bulk materials by the model of the effective indenter.
In: Proceedings of the Gordon Research Conferences Thin Film & Small Scale Behavior, Waterville, ME (USA), 25.-30.06.2010
Herrmann M, Richter F:
Determination of Young´s modulus of thin films using the con-cept of the effective indenter.
In: Philosophical Magazine, (2010), http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2010.488253
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Modler N, Heber T, Tyczynski:
Sensitivity analysis for the process integrated online polarization of piezoceramic modules in thermoplastic composites.
In: Smart Mater. Struct., 19 (2010), 105022
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Modler N, Heber T:
Prozessintegrierte Piezokeramik-Sensorik und -Aktorik für Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunde.
In: Tagungsband zum 14. Dresdner Leichtbausymposium (SFB/Transregio 39), Dresden, 17.-18.06.2010
Movchikova A, Suchaneck G, Köhler R, Gerlach G:
Thermal diffusivity measurements by differential LIMM.
In: Electroceramics XII, Trondheim (Norway), June 13-16, 2010, Oral contribution, Paper 43.
Neugebauer R, Drossel W -G, Lachmann L, Kranz B, Hensel S, Nestler M:
Experimental and Numerical Study on Efficient Forming Operations of Sheet-Metal-Compounds with Integrated Piezo-Modules.
13th International Conference on Metal Forming, Japan, September 2010 In: Steal Research International – Metal Forming, 81 (2010) 9, S. 725-728 – ISBN 978-3-514-00774-1
(URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-141616.html. Erstelldatum: 7.4.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013)
Neugebauer R, Lachmann L, Drossel W-G, Hensel S, Kranz B, Nestler M:
Piezo-Metal-Composites as Smart Structures.
In: Proceedings of the 36th International MATADOR Conference, Manchester (UK), 14.-16.07.2010, S. 175-178
Neugebauer R, Lachmann L, Drossel W-G, Nestler M, Hensel S:
Multi-layer compounds with integrated actor-sensor-functionality.
In: Production Engineering Research Development – Production Engineering, Special Issue, 4 (August 2010), S. 379-384 – ISSN: 0944-6524 (Print) 1863-7353 (Online)
Neugebauer R, Nestler M, Hensel S, Drossel W -G, Lachmann L:
Aktive Halbzeuge – Blechverbunde mit Piezo-Kern.
In: ZWF – Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 105 (2010) 1/2, S. 57-61 (URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-120657.html. Erstelldatum: 6.4.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013)
Ouchabane M, Salah H, Herrmann M, Tabet N, Henda K, Touchrift B, Kechouane M:
Influence of bias voltage on the structure and deposition mechanism of diamond-like carbon films produced by RF (13.56 MHz) CH4 plasma.
In: Physica Status Solidi A, 207 (2010), S. 2311-2318 – ISSN 0031-8965; 1862-6319 online, DOI 10.1002/pssa.200925581
Peter S, Günther M, Hauschild D, Richter F:
Low temperature PECVD of thin films combining mechanical stiffness, electrical insulation and homogeneity in microcavities.
In: J. Applied Physics, 108 (2010), 043303
Peter S, Günther M, Hauschild D, Grambole D, Richter F:
Mid-frequency deposition of a C:H films using five different precursors.
In: Vacuum, 84 (2010), S. 958–961
Rupitsch S J, Sutor A, Ilg J, Wolf F, Lerch R:
Estimation of Material Parameters for Piezoelectric Actuators Using Electrical and Mechanical Quantities.
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, Seggau (Austria), 23.-26.08.2010
Rupitsch S J, Sutor A, Ilg J, Wolf F, Lerch R:
Identification Procedure for Real and Imaginary Parameters of Piezoceramic Materials.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2010, Oktober 2010, S.1-4
Scheithauer U, Brückner B, Bettermann T, Schulz P, Schönecker A, Michaelis A:
Novel Method for the Measurement of Voltage-Strain-Curves of Piezoceramic Single Fibers.
In: Proceedings of Electroceramics XII, Trondheim/N, 13.-16.06.2010
Scheithauer U, Schlenkrich F, Kretzschmann L, Schönecker A:
Low-Temperature Sintering of SKN-doped PZT-Fibres.
In: Poster of Electroceramics XII, Trondheim/N, 13.-16.06.2010
Schubert A, Jahn S F, Hackert M:
Simulation of a Forming Process for Joining a Piezo Aluminium Module.
In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference 2010, Paris (France), 17.-19.11.2010
Schubert A, Pohl R, Hackert M:
Micro Impact Extrusion of Precision Cavities with Modular Dies.
In: Proceedings of the 10th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology – EUSPEN, Delft (Netherlands), 31.05.-04.06.2010 – ISBN 978-0-9553082-8-4
Schubert A, Drossel W-G, Pohl R, Kranz B:
Investigation of a force-locked connection of micro piezo elements with aluminium carrier material.
In: Production Engineering, (2010) 4, S.399–405 – DOI 10.1007/s11740-010-0238-1
Suchaneck G, Hu W, Gerlach G, Flössel M, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A:
Nondestructive evaluation of polarization in LTCC/PZT piezoelectric modules by thermal wave methods.
In: 19th International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF) & 10th European Conference on the Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD), Edinburgh (UK), August 9-12, 2010, Oral contribution T9.
Sutor A, Rupitsch S J, Lerch R:
A Preisach-based hysteresis model for magnetic and ferroelectric hysteresis.
In: Applied Physics A, 100 (2010) 2, S. 425-430
Wolf F, Sutor A, Rupitsch S J, Lerch R:
Modeling and measurement of hysteresis of ferroelectric actuators considering time-dependent behavior.
In: Proceedings of Eurosensors XXIV, Linz (Austria), 05.-08.09.2010
Wolf F, Sutor A, Rupitsch S J, Lerch R:
Messtechnische Erfassung und Modellierung der Hysterese ferroelektrischer Werkstoffe.
In: Tagungsband zu „Sensoren und Messsysteme“, Nürnberg, 19.05.2010


Drossel W-G, Hensel S, Kranz B, Nestler M, Göschel A:
Sheet metal forming of piezoceramic–metal-laminar structures – simulation and experimental analysis.
In: International Institution for Production Engineering Research -CIRP-, Paris: 59th general assembly of CIRP 2009 = 59ème assemblée générale du CIRP = 59. Mitgliederversammlung des CIRP : Boston, USA, August 23 - 29, 2009 Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, S.279-282 (CIRP annals 58.2009, Nr.1) (URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-100588.html. Erstelldatum: 7.6.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cirp.2009.03.058)
Drossel W-G, Kunze H, Roscher, H.-J.; Rödig, T.; Schönecker, A.; Seffner, L.:
New modular piezo actuator with built-in stress-strain transformation.
In: Proceedings of “Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2009 – International Symposium Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring”, San Diego, 09.-12.03.2009 – Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2009 (SPIE Proceedings Series 7288);
Paper 72881O, http://link.aip.org/link/?PSI/7288/72881O/1
Fischer et al.:
Novel In-line Method for Patterned deposition of Conductive Structures.
In: Organic Electronics, 10 (2009) 3, S.547-550
Flössel M, Scheithauer U, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A, Michaelis A:
Robust LTCC/PZT Sensor-Actuator-Module für Aluminium Die Casting.
In: Tagungsband zu EMPC 2009, Rimini (Italy), 15.-18.06.2009
Flössel M, Scheithauer U, Seffner L, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A, Michaelis A:
LTCC/PZT Modules for Adaptive Structures.
In: Proceedings of ISPA 2009, Dresden, 24.-25.09.2009 – (als Vortrag angenommen)
Govekar E, Jeric A, Neugebauer S, Weigl M, Urmoneit U, Schmidt M:
Laser Droplet Generation - Application to Droplet Joining.
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Paper E-19R2, 2009
Heinrich M, Kroll L, Elsner H, Leibelt J:
Lightweight structures with autarchic functional piezoceramic modules for energy harvesting.
In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Composites or Nano engineering, Honolulu (Hawaii/USA), 26.07.-01.08.2009
Heinrich M, Kroll L, Elsner H, Leibelt J:
Lightweight structures with autarchic functional piezoceramic modules.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications ISPA 2009, Dresden, 24.-25.09.2009
Herrmann M, Richter F:
On the usage of the effectively shaped indenter concept for analysis of yield strength.
In: Journal of Materials Research 24 (2009) 3, S.1258-1269
Herrmann M, Richter F:
Effective indenter concept for determination of thin films Young´s modulus and yield strength.
In: Proceedings of the ECI Conference Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development, Barga (Tuscany/Italy), 11.-16.10.2009 – (als Poster angenommen)
Herrmann M, Richter F:
Measurement of Mechanical Properties for Materials of Interest in Microelectronics Using Indentation Methods: Porous Low-k Dielectrics and Soft Metallic Thin Films as Examples.
In: Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Meeting 2009 and DPG-Spring Meeting of the Division Condensed Matter, Dresden, 22.03.-27.03.2009
Herrmann M, Clausner A, Richter F:
Influence of Intrinsic Stress on the Measurement of the Onset of Yielding for Thin Films Using Depth-Sensing Spherical Indentation.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2009), San Diego (USA), 27.04.-01.05.2009
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Modler N, Heber T, Winkler A, Friedrich J:
Processing studies for the development of a robust manufacture process for active composite structures with matrix adapted piezoceramic modules.
In: Composites, 9 (2009) 2, S.133-137
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Modler N, Heber T, Friedrich J:
Process development for volume production of function-integrative thermoplastic composite structures with embedded piezoceramic modules.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications ISPA 2009, Dresden, 24.-25.09.2009
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Heber T:
Design and testing of novel piezoceramic modules for adaptive thermoplastic composite structures.
In: Smart Materials and Structures, 18 (2009), 045012
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Heber T:
Development of novel piezoceramic modules for adaptive thermoplastic composite structures capable for series production.
In: Sensors and Actuators A, 156 (2009), S. 22-27
Hufenbach H, Gude M, Heber T, Geiger M, Schmidt M, Neugebauer S:
Auslegung und Fertigung von thermoplastverbundkompatiblen Piezokeramik-Modulen für adaptive Leichtbau-strukturen.
In: Krenkel, W. (Hrsg.): Verbundwerkstoffe - 17. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbünde, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2009
Kranz B, Drossel W-G:
State space models of piezo-mechanical systems as method for coupling of finite element simulation and control design.
In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop "Direct and Inverse Problems of Piezoelectricity", Oktober 2009
Kranz B, Drossel W-G:
Aspekte der Dynamik bei der Modellierung von Piezo-Metall-Modulen.
In: Tagungsband 2. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, Dresden, 27.-28.04.2009
Kroll L, Gelbrich S, Ulbricht J, Elsner H:
Material integrated textile sensors in lightweight structures.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure, Zurich (Switzerland), 22.07.-24.07.2009 – (SHMII-4)
Kroll L, Czech A, Müller S:
Identification of Anisotropic Damage on CFRP Tubes using Computer Tomography and Automated Analysis Methods.
In: Proceedings of ICCM-17 – 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, Edinburgh International Convention Centre – EICC (Edinburgh/UK), 27.-31.07.2009
Kühnert I, Müller T, Vittinghoff J:
Novel injection molding technique for light-weight applications.
In: Proceedings of MOLDING 2009, New Orleans (Louisiana/USA), 26.-28.01.2009
Neugebauer R, Kreißig R, Lachmann L, Nestler M, Hensel S, Flössel M:
Piezo-Module-Compounds in Metal Forming - Experimental and Numerical Studies.
In: Brezina, T.: Recent advances in mechatronics : 2008-2009 Berlin: Springer, 2009, S.257-262
(URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-112777.html. Erstelldatum: 8.4.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013)
Rübner M, Körner C, Singer R F:
Die Castings with Integrated PZT-Modules – Fabrication and Functionalities.
In: Tagungsband IV ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Porto (Portugal), 13.-15.07.2009
Scheithauer U, Kretzschmann L, Schulz P, Flössel M, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A, Michaelis A:
High-efficient and low-costz production of piezoceramic fibres.
In: Proceedings of ISPA 2009, Dresden, 24.-25.09.2009 – (als Vortrag angenommen)
Schubert A, Pohl R, Hackert M:
Simulation of a modular Die Stamp for Micro Impact Extrusion.
In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference 2009, Mailand (Italy), 14.-16.10.2009 – ISBN 978-0-9825697-2-6 (auf CD)
Rupitsch S J, Lerch R:
Inverse Method to estimate material parameters for piezoceramic disc actuators.
In: Applied Physics A, 97 (2009) 4, S. 735-740
Rupitsch S J, Wolf F, Sutor A, Lerch R:
Estimation of material parameters for piezoelectric actuators using electrical and mechanical quantities.
In: IEEE – International Ultrasonics Symposium 2009, Roma (Italy), 20.-23.09.2009, S. 1-4
Rupitsch S J, Wolf F, Sutor A, Lerch R:
Simulation Based Material Parameter Identification for Piezoelectric Actuators.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications ISPA 2009, Dresden, 24.-25.09.2009


Flössel M, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A:
Research and development of active flexural actuator modules based on PZT thick-films.
In: Poster of APNFM 2008 - Advanced Processing for Novel Functional Materials, Dresden, 23.-25.01.2008
Flössel M, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A, Michaelis A:
LTCC/PZT Sensor-Actuator-Module.
In: Beiträge Electroceramics XI, Manchester, 31.08.-03.09.2008
Herrmann M, Peter S, Karniychuk M, Richter F:
Determination of yield stress and elastic modulus under complete consideration of the substrate influence demonstrated on a-C:H films.
In: Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Meeting 2008 and DPG-Spring Meeting of the Division Condensed Matter, Berlin, 25.-29.02.2008
Herrmann M, Richter F:
On the Usage of the Effectively Shaped Indenter Concept for Advanced Indentation Studies: Hardness and Yield Strength of Fused Silica.
In: Proceedings of the Newcastle Nanoindentation Conference, Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK), 28.-30.07.2008
Herrmann M, Peter S, Richter F:
Mechanical Characterisation of Thin Films: Yield Strength and Elastic Modulus of a-C:H Films as an Example.
In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2008), Garmisch-Patenkirchen (Germany), 15.-19.09.2008
Hufenbach W, Modler N, Winkler A, Heber T, Dannemann M, Freund A:
Robust manufacture of fibre-reinforced composites with embedded piezoceramic modules for automotive applications.
In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference EUROSENSORS 2008, Dresden, 07.-10.09.2008
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Heber T:
Development of novel piezoceramic modules for adaptive thermoplastic composite structures capable for series production.
In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference EUROSENSORS 2008, Dresden, 07.-10.09.2008
Kranz B, Drossel W-G:
Concept for Derivation of Homogenized Models for Piezo Metal Modules.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop "Direct and Inverse Problems of Piezoelectricity", Pommersfelden, 29.09.-01.10.2008
Neugebauer S, Albert F, Schmidt M, Frick T:
Laser Based Contacting Of Thin Metal Coated Active Elements.
In: LIA (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 27th ICALEO, LIA, 2008
Ouchabane M, Kechouane M, Herrmann M, Peter S, Richter F:
Relationship between stresses and structure of DLC thin films.
In: Poster of the 11th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2008), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany), 15.-19.09.2008
Rübner M, Körner C, Singer R F:
Integration of piezoceramic modules into die castings – procedures and functionalities.
In: Advances in Science and Technology, 56 (2008), S. 170-175
Steinbach O:
Prozesstechnische Untersuchungen zu textilen Einlegestrukturen.
TU Chemnitz, Diplomarbeit, 2008
Schubert A, Pohl R:
Fließpressen von Mikrostrukturen – Umformtechnische Herstellung von Mikrokavitäten in Aluminiumfeinblechen mittels Fließpressen.
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 98 (2008) 10


Bräutigam V, Körner C, Singer R F, Kaltenbacher M, Meiler M, Lerch R:
Smart structural components by integration of sensor/actuator-modules in die castings.
In: Proceedings of the 14th SPIE Int. Symposium of Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego (CA/USA), 18.-22.03.2007
Bräutigam V (Sp), Rübner M, Körner C, Singer R F:
Smart Die Castings - Structural Components with Enhanced Funcionalities.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications, Dresden, 27.-28.09.2007
Drossel W-G, Neugebauer R, Kranz B:
Study about possibilities for direct integration of piezo-fibers in sheet metal.
In: Dapino, M. J. (Hrsg.): Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional and Composite Materials 2007 (San Diego, 18.-23.03.2007), Bellingham (WA): SPIE, 2007 – (SPIE Proceedings Series 6526), Paper 65260J, http://link.aip.org/link/?PSI/6526/65260J/1
Flössel M, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A:
Development of active microstructures based on PZT thick-films.
In: Proceedings of the ISPA 2007 - International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications, Dresden, 27.-28.09.2007
Gebhardt S, Seffner L, Schlenkrich F, Schönecker A:
PZT Thick Films for Sensor and Actuator Applications.
In: Journal of the European Ceramics Society; 27 (2007) 13-15, S. 4177-4180
Herrmann M, Richter F, Schwarzer N:
On the problem of mechanical contact for layered materials with a large difference in elastic moduli.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Indentation Workshop 2007, Cambridge (UK), 15.-17.07.2007
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Modler N, Kirvel C:
Novel function-integrated lightweight solutions based on thermoplastic composites and material-adapted piezoceramic actor modules.
In: Advanced Materials and Technologies – AMT, (2007) 3/4, S. 254-260
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Modler N, Kirvel C:
Development of novel piezoceramic actuator modules for the embedding in intelligent lightweight structures.
In: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 24 (2007) 1, S. 390-396
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Täger O, Modler N, Dannemann M, Kirvel C, Winkler A, Heber T:
Innovative Lightweight Solutions by Textile Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites with Embedded Material-Adapted Piezoceramic Actuator Modules.
In: Proceedings of the ISPA 2007 - International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications, Dresden, 27.-28.09.2007
Hufenbach W, Täger O, Dannemann M, Krahl M, Winkler A:
Robust manufacturing of textile-reinforced thermoplastic composites with embedded piezo-ceramic actuators for automotive applications.
In: Tagungsband European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes EUROMAT 2007, Nürnberg, 10.-13.09.2007
Hufenbach W, Täger O, Dannemann M, Winkler A:
Contribution to active noise control by new production concepts for textile-reinforced thermoplastic composites with material-embedded piezo-ceramic modules.
In: Proceedings of INTER-NOISE, Istanbul (Turkey), 28.-31.08.2007
Hufenbach W, Täger O, Dannemann M, Winkler A, Heber T:
Advanced Functionalities of Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites by Material-Adapted Embedding of Piezo-Ceramic Fibers using robust Manufacturing Technologies.
In: Proceedings of ETDCM8, Costa Rei (Sardinia/Italy), 3.-6.10.2007
Kastens M, Schmidt M:
Laser Droplet Welding – Bonding on thin substrates.
In: Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of LANE 2007, Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag, 2007
Kroll L, Gelbrich S, Elsner H:
Series production technology for high-performance fibre composite components with structure integrated sensors.
In: CAMES – Computer Assisted Mechanics and engineering sciences, 14 (2007) 4, S. 659-663
Peter S, Graupner K, Grambole D, Richter F:
A comparative experimental analysis of the a-C:H deposition processes using CH4 and C2H2 as precursors.
Journal of Applied Physics, 102 (2007), 053304
Peter S, Graupner K, Richter F:
Effects of CH4 and C2H2 as precursor on the RF plasma deposition of hard a-C:H films.
In: Proceedings of the 17th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-17); the 13th International Conference on Surface Science (ICSS-13) and the International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (ICN+T 2007), Stockholm (Sweden), 02.-06.07.2007
Scheithauer U:
Development of a piezoceramic fibre technology based on the Polysulfone process.
In: Beiträge zu 1) EuroMat; Nürnberg; 12.09.2007, 2) International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications; Dresden; 27.-28.09.2007, 3) Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference; Aachen; 29.-30.11.2007


Bräutigam V (Sp), Körner C, Singer R F:
Smart Materials by Integrating Piezoceramic Modules in Die Castings.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Aluminium, Essen, 21.-22.09.2006
Bräutigam V, Schellack T, Körner C, Singer R F:
Optimized Fixing Technique for the Integration of Piezoceramic Modules in Die Castings.
In: Gießereiforschung, 58 (2006) 1, S. 11-15
Bräutigam V, Wierach P, Körner C, Singer R F:
Integration of Piezoceramic Modules in Die Castings - A New Production Technology.
In: Tagungsband zum Adaptronic Congress 2006, Göttingen, 03.-04.05.2006
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Modler N, Kirvel Chr:
Design and manufacture of advanced piezoceramic actors for the application in novel morphing structures made of fibre-reinforced thermoplastics.
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference on the Contemporary Achievements in Mechanics, Manufacturing and Materials Science – CAM3S'2006, Zakopane (Poland), 27.-30.11.2006
Hufenbach W, Gude M, Czulak A:
Actor-initiated snap-through of unsymmetric composites with multiple deformation states.
In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 175 (2006) 1-3, S. 225-230
Hufenbach W, Modler K-H, Täger O, Modler N, Lovasz E-C:
Design and manufacturing of smart textile compliant hinges.
In: Acta Technica Napocensis, 49 (2006) 2, S. 831-836


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