Peter S, Speck F, Lindner M, Seyller T:
Analysis of a-SiCN:H films by X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy.
Vacuum 138 (2017) S. 191-198, DOI 10.1016/j.vacuum.2016.09.016
Drossel W G, Schubert A, Koriath H J, Wittstock V, Volker et. al.:
Inherent Process Monitoring for Piezoceramic Transducers Integration
In: EUSPEN 16th International Conference & Exhibition, Nottingham, 2016
Drossel W G, et. al.:
Condition Monitoring of Piezoceramic Fibers during Joining by Forming
In: Proceedings SysInt, 2016
Holeczek K, Starke E, Winkler A, Dannemann M, Modler N:
Numerical and Experimental Characterization of Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastic composite Structures with Embedded Piezoelectric Sensor-Actuator-Arrays for Ultrasonic Applications
In: Applied Sciences Vol. 55 No.6, 2016
Nierla M, Rupitsch S J:
Hybrid Seminumerical Simulation Scheme to Predict Transducer Outputs of Acoustic Microscopes
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, Vol. 63, No. 2 February 20016
Peter S, Speck F, Lindner M, Seyller T:
Analysis of a-SiCN:H films by X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy
In: Kovač J, Jakša G (Hrg): Program and book of abstracts / 16th Joint Vacuum Conference (JVC-16) [and] 14th European Vacuum Conference (EVC-14) [and] 23rd Croatian-Slovenian Vacuum Meeting, [6-10 June 2016, Portorož, Slovenia] Ljubljana : Slovenian Society for Vacuum Technique (DVTS), 2016, p. 40 ISBN 978-961-92989-8-5
Serban D A, Weisserborn O, Geller S, Marsavina L, Gude M, :
Evaluation of the Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Long fibre Reinforced Polyurethane Rigid Foams
In: Polymer Testing 49 (2016), S. 121-127
Stein S, Heberle J, Suchy M, Tenner F, Hugger F, Roth S, Schmidt M:
High Temperature Laser Based on Demand Micro Joining of Thin Metallic Layers or Foils using Bronze Braze Preforms
In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering Vol. 11 No. 1, 2016
Decker R., Heinrich M., Tröltzsch J., Rhein S., Gebhardt S., Michaelis A., Kroll L.:
Development and characterization of piezo-active polypropylene compounds filled with PZT and CNT.
In: Proceedings 5th Scientific Symposium CRC/Transregio 39, pp. 59-64, 2015.
Drossel W G, Schubert A, Nestler M, Hensel S, Müller R, Müller M, Müller B, Jahn S F:
Novel sheet metal parts with sensor and actuator mode of operation.
In: Forming with Intelligence, Flexibility and Lightweight, Proceedings of the 34th International Deep Drawing Research Group, IDDRG 2015, Shanghai, Juni 2015, S. 674-687
Drossel W G, Müller R, Ihlemann J, Rudolph M, Hensel S, Nestler M:
Local pre-curing of an adhesive for the fabrication of shaped piezo-metal-compounds.
5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium PT-Piesa, September 2015, S.41-46
Drossel W G, Schubert A, Koriath H J, Wittstock V, Peter S, Müller R, Müller M, Hensel S, Nestler M, Jahn S F, Pierer A, Müller B, Schmidt M:
Experimental and numerical study on the electro-mechanical behavior of piezoceramic fibers during joining by forming.
5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium PT-Piesa, September 2015, S. 71-76
Eßlinger S, Geller S, Hohlfeld K, Gebhardt S, Michaelis A, Gude M, Schönecker A, Neumeister P:
Novel poling method for active fibre-reinforced polyurethane composites.
In: Proc. 5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, 14.-16. September, 2015, Dresden, Germany, pp. 23-27
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Schwankl M, Gerlach G, Singer R F, Körner C:
Evaluation of polarisation state of light metal embedded piezoelectrics
Advances in Applied ceramics, 114 (2015) 226-230 doi: 10.1179/1743676114Y.0000000222
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Characterization of the polarization state of embedded piezoelectric transducers by thermal waves and thermal pulses.
SENSOR 2015, 17. Internationaler Kongress für Sensoren und Messsysteme, Nürnberg, 19-21. Mai, 2015.
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Polarization characterization of integrated ferroelectrics by thermal waves and thermal pulses.
13th European Meeting on Ferroelectricity – EMF 2015, University of Porto (Portugal), June 28 - July 3, 2015, Oral contribution, Electronic abstracts 2B-2O.
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Application of the Thermal Pulse Method to Evaluate the Polarization State of Piezoceramics. “Light-Weight Design by Function Integration“
5th Scientific Symposium of the CRC/TR 39 PT-PIESA, Dresden (Germany), September 14-16, 2015
Heinrich M, Decker R, Schaufuß J, Tröltzsch J, Mehner J, Kroll L:
Electrical contact properties of micro-injection molded Polypropylene/CNT/CB-composites on metallic electrodes.
Advanced Material Research, 1103: pp. 77-83, 2015.
Hohlfeld K, Gebhardt S, Schönecker A, Michaelis A:
PZT components derived from polysulphone spinning process.
Advances in Applied Ceramics 2015; 114(4), 231-237. DOI: 10.1179/1743676114Y.0000000229
Hohlfeld K, Zapf M, Shah G, Gebhardt S, Gemmeke H, Ruiter N V, Michaelis A:
Fabrication of single fiber based piezocomposite transducers for 3D USCT.
In: Proc. 5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, 14.-16. September, 2015, Dresden, Germany, pp. 95-99
Kräusel V, Graf A, Heinrich M, Decker R, Caspar M, Kroll L, Hardt W, Göschel A:
Development of hybrid assembled composites with sensory function.
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 64(1): pp. 25–28, 2015.
Müller M, Müller B, Hensel S, Nestler M, Jahn S F, Müller R, Schubert A, Drossel W G:
Structural integration of piezoceramic fibers in deep drawn sheet metal for material-integrated health monitoring.
Mechatronics, Available online 20 October 2015 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mechatronics.2015.09.006)
Rupitsch S J, Ilg J:
Complete Characterization of Piezoceramic Materials by Means of Two Block-Shaped Test Samples
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, Vol. 52 No. 7 July 2015
Link: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=7152734
Schwankl M, Kimme S, Pohle C, Drossel W-G, Körner C:
Active Vibration Damping in Structural Aluminium Die Castings via Piezoelectricity - Technology an Characterization
Advanced Engineering Materials, 2015, DOI: 10.1002/adem.201400367
Stein S, Wedler J, Rhein S, Gebhardt S, Schmidt M, Körner C, Michaelis A:
Investigations on the process chain for the integration of piezoelectric ceramics into die casted aluminum structures
In: Proceedings of 5th Scientific Symposium "Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions" Dresden, Germany ,2015
Stein S, Wedler J, Rhein S, Gebhardt S, Schmidt M, Körner C, Michaelis A:
Investigations on laser based joining of novel thermo-plastic compatible piezoceramic modules
In: Proceedings of 5th Scientific Symposium "Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions" Dresden, Germany ,2015
Stein S, Suchy M, Tenner F, Roth S, Schmidt M:
Laser Droplet Brazing for Thermally Stable Contracting of Piezo Modules Using CuSn11 Braze Preforms
In: LAMP 2015 - The 7th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing, Conference Proceeding
Suchaneck G, Eydam A, Gerlach G:
Nondestructive evaluation of embedded piezoelectric transducers by thermal wave and pulse methods.
Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies (FM&NT-2015), Vilnius (Lithuania), October 5 – 8, 2015, Invited talk.
Weiß M, Ilg J, Hohlfeld K, Gebhardt S, Rupitsch S J, Lerch R, Michaelis A:
Inverse Method for determining piezoelectric material parameters of piezoceramic fiber composites.
In: Proc. 5. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, 14.-16. September, 2015, Dresden, Germany, pp. 77-82
Zapf M, Hohlfeld K, Shah G, Gebhardt S, van Dongen K W A, Gemmeke H, Michaelis A, Ruiter N V:
Evaluation of piezo composite based omnidirectional single fibre transducers for 3D USCT.
In: Proc. IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) 2015, 21.-24. October, Taipei, Taiwan, 4 pages, DOI: 0.1109/ULTSYM.2015.0552
Drossel W G, Hensel S, Nestler M, Lachmann L, Schubert A , Müller M, Müller B:
Experimental and numerical study on shaping of aluminum sheets with integrated piezoceramic fibers.
In: Journal of Materials Processing Technology, Volume 214, Issue 2, 2014, S. 217-228, ISSN 0924-0136, doi: 10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2013.08.011
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Nondestructive evaluation of embedded piezoelectric transducers.
In: AMF-AMEC-2014, The Joint Conference of 9th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics & 9th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics, Shanghai (China), Oct. 26-30, 2014, O017-5D-A263.
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Characterization of PZT disks and of embedded PZT plates by thermal wave methods.
In: 14th Edition of Electroceramics Conference, Abstract book, Bucharest (Romania), June 16-20, 2014. p.8.
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Esslinger S, Schönecker A, Neumeister P, Gerlach G:
Polarization characterization of PZT disks and of embedded PZT plates by thermal wave methods.
AIP Conf. Proceedings 1627 (2014) 31-36; doi: 10.1063/1.4901653
Geller S, Neumeister P, Gude M, Tyczynski T:
Studies on Polarisation Behaviour of Novel Piezoelectric Sensor Modules , Sensor and Actuators
In: Physical 218(2014) S. 162-166
Gude M, Geller S:
Active Lightweight Components Based on Cellular Fiber-Reinforced Polyurethane Composites with Integrated Piezoelectric Sensors and Actuators
In: Proceedings zu Cellular Materials Cellmat 2014, Dresden, Germany, October 2014
Hugger F*, Hofmann K, Stein S, Schmidt M:
Laser Beam Welding of Brass
In: 8th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 2014
Landgraf R, Rudolph M, Scherzer R, Ihlemann J:
Modelling and Simulation of Adhesive Curing Processes in Piezo Metal Composites,
In: Computational Mechanics- 54(2):547-565
Müller M, Müller B, Hensel S, Nestler M, Jahn S. F, Wittstock V, Schubert A, Drossel W G:
Structural integration of PZT fibers in deep drawn sheet metal for material-integrated sensing and actuation,
In: Procedia Technology, Vol. 15, 2014, S. 659-668, doi: 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.09.027
Effect of Mechanical Constraints in Thin Ceramic LTCC/PZT Multilayers on the Polarization Behavior of Embedded PZT.
Int J Appl Ceram Technol (9pp), doi:10.1111/ijac.12218
Effect of mechanical constraints in thin ceramic LTCC/PZT multilayers on the polarization behavior of the embedded PZT
Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Techn., 2014.
Fabrication Method for Series Production of Sheet Metal Parts with Integrated Piezoelectric Transducers
In: Procedia Technology, Vol. 15, 2014
Peter S, Günther M, Gordan O, Berg S, Zahn D R T, Seyller T:
Experimental analysis of the thermal annealing of hard a-C:H films
Diamond and Related Materials 45 (2014), 43-57.
DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2014.03.005
Schubert A, Jahn S F, Müller B:
Generation of Microcavities in Aluminium Sheets by Forming,
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing - nanoMan2014, 2014
Schubert A, Jahn S F, Müller B:
Evaluation of tribological properties of AlMg4.5Mn0.7 in massive microforming using the barrel compression test.
In: Key Engineering Materials, Volumes 611-612, 2014, S. 597-605, ISSN 1662-9795, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.611-612.597
Schubert A, Jahn S F, Müller B:
Evaluation of tribological properties of AlMg4.5Mn0.7 in massive microforming using the barrel compression test.
In: Material Forming ESAFORM 2014, S. 597-605, ISBN-13: 978-3-03835-106-1
Schubert A, Jahn S. F, Müller B:
Modular Tool Concept and Process Design for Micro Impact Extrusion.
In: Precision Engineering, Volume 38,Issue 1, 2014, S. 57-63, doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2013.07.004
(published online)
Stein S *, Heberle J, F, Cvecek K, Roth S, Schmidt M:
Influences of Nozzle Material in Laser Droplet Brazing Joints with CU89Sn11 Preforms: 8th International Conference on Laser Assisted Net Shape Engineering LANE 2014
In: Physics Procesdia (2014), Nr. 56, S. 709-719
Stein S *, Heberle J, Hugger F, Roth S, Schmidt M:
Düsenbasiertes Laserstrahl-Löten mit Formteilen zur hochtemperaturfesten Kontaktierung piezokeramischer Substrate
In: Laser in der Elektronikproduktion & Feinwerktechnik Tagungsband: LEF 2014, Fürth, Germany, 12-13 März 2014
Eßlinger S, Neumeister P, Schönecker A:
Effect of temperature path on the poling of commercial hard PZT ceramics and its implication for mass production.
In Int. J. Ceram. Sci. Tech, 2013.
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of the polarization state of integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators using the thermal wave method
Key Engineering Materials 543 (2013), 503-506
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Hohlfeld K, Gebhardt S, Rübner M, Schwankl M, Michaelis A, Singer R F, Körner C, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of the polarization state of integrated piezoelectric modules using the thermal wave method.
In: R. Neugebauer (Ed.): 4th Scientific Symposium “Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions”. March 26-27, 2013, Nuremberg, DFG CRC/Transregio 39, 87-92.
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Rübner M, Schwankl M, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of the polarization state of piezoelectrics embedded into light metal structures.
In: Piezo 2013, Electroceramics for End-users VII, Les Arcs (France), March 17-20, 2013. Book of Abstracts, p 9.
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Gerlach G:
Nondestructive evaluation of polarization in integrated piezoelectrics by the thermal wave method.
In: 8th Interna-tional Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, Gasellenbach (Germany), September 25-28, 2012, Abstracts, p. 8.
Eydam A, Suchaneck G, Hohlfeld K, Gebhardt S, Michaelis A, Gerlach G:
Evaluation of the polarization state of piezofiber composites.
IEEE Interna-tional Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Joint IEEE-International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Work-shop (ISAF-PFM), Joint IEEE-International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency And Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF)
Prague (Czech Republic), July 21-25, 2013. Electronic Proc., 190 – 193. doi: 10.1109/ISAF.2013.6748683
Processing studies for the development of a manufacture process for intelligent lightweight structures with integrated sensor systems and adapted electronics.
Procedia Materials Science 2 (2013), S. 74-82
Prozessentwicklung zur serientauglichen Integration neuartiger piezoelektrischer Sensorelemente in Glasfaser-Polyurethan-Verbundwerkstoffe.
19. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, Karlsruhe, 03.-05. Juli 2013
High-volume production of glass fibre-reinforced polyurethane composite structures with integrated piezoceramic sensor elements and adapted electronics.
4. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des SFB/TR 39 "PT-PIESA", Nürnberg, Deutschland, 26.-27.03.2013
Impedance based Temperature Sensing with Piezoceramic Devices
Sensors Journal, IEEE , in press.
Vibration based determination of temperature and frequency dependent material parameters for different material classes
4. Wissenschaftliches Symposium PT-Piesa, März 2013.
Microstructured Piezoceramic and Fibre Composite Transducers for Active Semi-Finished Products.
CRC/TR39 4th Scientific Symposium “Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions”, Nuremberg (Germany), April 2013
Handling Robots for High-Volume Microassembly – an Economic and Technological Comparison of Different Kinematic Principles.
In: Dimitrov, D. (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Competitive Manufacturing COMA'13, Stellenbosch (South Africa), January 2013, pp. 257–262.
Neugebauer R, Schubert A, Koriath H J, Jahn S. F, Müller B, Müller M:
Microfabricated piezo-metal substructures for sensor integration in large sheet metal parts, In: Proceedings of the 13th euspen International Conference, 2013, Volume: 2, P. 109-112,
ISBN 13: 978-0-9566790-2-4
Deep Drawing of Metal Sheets with Integrated Piezo-Metal Substructures.
CRC/TR39 4th Scientific Symposium “Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions”, Nuremberg (Germany), April 2013
Assembly of smart adaptronic piezo-metal composites by use of prefabricated batches of piezoceramic micro part.
Proc. SPIE 8692. Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, 2013, 869224 (April 19, 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2010504
Experiments and FE-Simulation of the forming and curing process of bonded Piezo-Metal-Structures.
CRC/TR39 4th Scientific Symposium "Lightweight Design by Integrating Functions", Chemnitz (Germany), 26.-27.03.2013
Nicolai M, Eßlinger S, Schönecker A:
Identification of process parameters for efficient poling of PZT ceramics for mass production.
In J Electroceram., 2013.
Nicolai M, Eßlinger S, Schönecker A:
Identification of process parameters for efficient poling of PZT ceramics for mass production.
In J Electroceram., 2013.
FTIR analysis of a-SiCN:H films deposited by PECVD
Vacuum 98 (2013) 81-87
DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2013.04.014
Mild-frequency PECVD of a-SiCN:H films and their structural, mechanical and electrical properties
In: Vacuum 90 (2013) 155-159
Laser Droplet Brazing for Electrical Contacting of Composite Materials with Integrated Active Elements
Procedia Materials Science, Volume 2, 2013, Pages 181-188
Microstructuring by a Combination of Micro Impact Extrusion and Shear Displacement Forming,
In: Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 554-557, 2013, S. 893-899, ISSN 1662-9795, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.554-557.893
Smart Metals Sheets by Direct Functional Integration of Piezoceramic Fiber
In: Microsystem Technologies DOI: 10.1007/s00542-013-1836-6 (in press)
Joining by forming of piezoceramic macro-fiber arrays within micro-structured surfaces of aluminum sheets.
In: Production Engineering (in press), doi:10.1007/s11740-013-0498-7
Modular Tool Concept and Process Design for Micro Impact Extrusion.
In: Precision Engineering, 2013, doi:10.1016/j.precisioneng.2013.07.004 (in press)
The influence of sandblasting on the morphology of electroless deposited zinclayers on aluminum sheets
In: Applied Surface Science (2013), DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2013.06.082
Integration of PZT-Ceramic Modules using Hybrid Structures in High Pressure Die Casting.
In: Procedia Materials Science – Materials Science Engineering, Symposium B6 – Hybrid Structures, 2 (2013), S. 166-172
An explicit solution for implicit time stepping in finite strain viscoelasticity.
In: arXiv preprint arXiv:1304.3380, 2013
A simple thermal wave method for the evaluation of the polarization state of embedded piezoceramics.
Ceramics International 39 (2013) Supplement 1 S587-S590.
A Laser intensity modulation method for the evaluation of the polarization state of embedded piezoceramics.
Ferroelectrics 453 (2013) 127-132.
Evaluation of the pyroelectric response of embedded piezoelectrics by means of a Nyquist plot.
IEEE-International Ul-trasonics Symposium (IUS), Joint IEEE-International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics and Piezoresponse Force Microscopy Workshop (ISAF-PFM), Joint IEEE-International Frequency Control Symposium and European Frequency And Time Forum (IFCS-EFTF), Prague (Czech Republic), July 21-25, 2013. Electronic Proceedings, 1969 – 1972. doi: 10.1109/ULTSYM.2013.0502.
A novel technology for the high-volume production of intelligent composite structures with integrated piezoceramic sensors and electronic components. Sensors and Actuators
A: Physical, DOI: 10.1016/j.sna.2013.01.050
Entwurf anwendungsspezifischer drahtloser Körpernetzwerke zur Vitalparameterübertragung.
Dissertation, TU Dresden, 2013
Actuator and sensor performance of piezo-metal-composites.
In: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers -IEEE-: IEEE Sensors 2012 : October 28-31, 2012, Taipei, Taiwan, New York,USA: IEEE, 2012, S.355-358 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ICSENS.2012.6411480)
Evaluation of the polarization state of integrated piezoelectric sensors and actuators using the thermal wave method
International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (IC-MAST), Budapest, Hungary (24.-28.05.2012), Oral contribution, Abstract book, p.52
Evualuation of the polarization state of embedded piezoceramics by charge monitoring during the periodic heating
ELECTROCERAMICS XIII; Enschede, Netherlands, (24.-27.06.2012), Abstracts, p.135
Ceramic Based SHM Modules for Rough Environment
Vortrag+ Proc. ACTUATOR 2012, Bremen (18.- 20.06.2012)
Integrated Piezoelectrics for Smart Microsystems- a teamwork of Substrate and Piezo
Proc. CIMTEC 2012, Montecatini Terme, I, (10.- 14.06.2012)
Process- related mechanical properties of conductive Nanocomposites based on CNT- filled Polypropylen
NanoSpain Conference 2012, Santander, Spain, 2012
Large scale hybrid technologies for lightweight structures
The 1st MDEATED International Confernce, Pattaya, Thailand, 2012
Laser Droplet Brazing for the Electrical Contacting of Composite Materials with Integrated Active Elements
Physics Procedia, Volume 39, 2012, Pages 585-593
Sensitivity analysis for the manufacturing of themoplastic e-preforms for active textile reinforced thermoplastic composites
MSE; 25-27. September 2012, Darmstadt, Deutschland
Preocessing studies for the development of a manufacture process of intelligent lightweight structures with integrated sensor systems and adapted electronics
MSE; 25-27. September 2012, Darmstadt, Deutschland
Function integrated fibre-reinforced polyurethane composites with cellular matrix for intelligent lightweight structures
Cellular Materials, Dresden, 07.-09. November 2012, Procedings (auf CD)
Temperature measurements by means of the electrical impedance of piezoceramics.
2012 IEEE I2MTC - International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Proceedings, pp 1851-1855,
2012. Graz, Österreich, 13.-16.05.12.
Influence of the fabrication process on the functionality of piezoceramic patch transducers embedded in aluminum die castings.
In: Smart Materials and Structures, 21 (2012) 115014 (11pp)
Beitrag zur numerischen Beschreibung des funktionellen Verhaltens von Piezoverbundmodulen.
Dissertation, TU Chemnitz, 2012,
online: http://bit.ly/1lJrBDX
Smart Semi-Finished Parts for the Application in Sheet-Metal Structures.
Future trends in production engineering: Proceedings of the WGP Conference, Berlin, 2013, S.121-130 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24491-9_13)
Actuator and Sensor Performance of Piezo-Metal-Composites.
IEEE Sensors Proceedings, Taiwan, 2012, S. 355-358, ISBN: 978-1-4577-1765-9
Mid-frequency PECVD of a-SiCN:H films and their structural, mechanical and electrical properties
Journal title: Vacuum; available online: 12-APR-2012; DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2012.04.001
FTIR analysis of a-SiCN:H films deposited by PECVD
14th Joint Vacuum Conference- 12th European Vacuum Conference-11th Annual Meeting of the German Vacuum Society- 19th Croatian-Slovenian Vacuum Meeting, talk O11,5. Dubrovnik, Croatia (5.06.2012)
Experimental analysis of the thermal annealing of hard a-C:H fims
International Conference on Diamond and Carbon Materials, talk O100, Granada, Spain, (5.September.2012)
A comparative analysis of a-C:H films deposited from five hydrocarbons by thermal desorption spectroscopy.
In: Vacuum 86 (2012) 667-671
Reliable modeling of piezoceramic materials utilized in sensors and actuators.
Acta Mechanica, 223, pp. 1809-1821, 2012.
Development of Smart Structures with Integrated Piezoceramic Transducers
In: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 31st May 2012
Pizoeletric Multi- Material- Systems and Structures- Design, Technology and Furutre Perspectives
In: IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2012
Influence of Different Tool Materials, Coatings and Lubricants onto Shape Accuracy during Micro Impact Extrusion
In: Proc. of the 12th euspen International Conference, Volume: 2, S. 75-79 Stockholm (Schweden), 04.- 08.06.2012, ISBN 978-3-942267-61-89566790-0-0
Evaluation of polarization of embedded piezoelectrics by the thermal wave method.
In: IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics and frequency control 59 (2012), Nr.9, S.1950-1954 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TUFFC.2012.2412)
A Simple Thermal Wave Method for the Evaluation of the Polarization State of Embedded Piezoceramics
8th Asian Meeting on Electroceramics (AMEC-8), Penang, Malaysia, (1.-5.07.2012) Oral contribution 0032, Program and Abstract book p.37
A Laser Intensity Modulation Method for the Evaluation of the Polarization State of Embedded Piezoceramics
8th Asian Meeting on Ferroelectrics (AMF-8), Pattaya, Thailand (9.-14.12.2012)
Enabling the factories of the future: The role of smart systems in manufacturing and robotics
Smart Systems Integration 2012, Zürich
Integration of Piezoceramic Sensor Elements and Electronic Components in Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyurethane Composite Structures.
Pocedia Engineering , 47 (2012), S. 354-357
A generalized Preisach approach for piezoceramic materials incorporating uniaxial compressive stress
(2012) Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 186, pp. 223-229.
Laser soldering and laser droplet joining for mechanical and electrical contacting of LTCC/PZT laminates.
In: Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 6 (2011) 1, S.75-80
Novel approaches for the determination of the process specific polarization of piezoceramic modules embedded in thermoplastic composites.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 91-96
Polarization of piezo modules in thermoplastic composites
ISPA 2011, 22.- 13. September 2011
Simulation models for design and production of active structural parts with deformed piezoceramic-metal compounds.
In: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers -SPIE-, Bellingham/Wash.: Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Composites 2010 : 8-11 March 2010 San Diego, California, United States Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2010, Paper 764428 (Proceedings of SPIE 7644) (URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-134228.html. Erstelldatum: 31.3.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.847513)
Investigation on LTCC/PZT interface in a novel sensor-actuator-module for metal die casting.
In: Proceedings of ISAF 2011, Vancouver, 25.-27.07.2011
Development of LPMs (LTCC/PZT Modules).
ISPA 2011, Dresden (22.-23.09.2011)
Process development for high volume manufacture of thermoplastic composites with integrated piezoceramic modules.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements",
Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 59-64
Integrationsgerechte Piezokeramik- Module und großserienfähige Fertigungstechnologien für multifunktionale Thermoplastverbundstrukturen
Dissertation, TU Dresden, 2011
Polymerbased piezoelectric modules by microinjection moulding technology for SHM
SHMII- 5, Cancun, Mexiko, 2011
CNT- filled PP compound for insitu bonding and connection of piezoeletric ceramics by using multi- component micro injection molding
In: Neugebauer, R.: Tagungsband "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Components", 3rd Scientific Symposium CRC/ Transregio 39 PT Piesa, 12.- 13. Oktober 2011, Chemnitz 2011, S. 29- 34, ISBN: 978-3-00-035549-3
Piezo-metal-composites in structural parts: Technological design, process simulation and material modelling.
In: Neugebauer, Reimund ; Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik -IWU-, Chemnitz; TU Chemnitz, Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Produktionsprozesse: Integration of active functions into structural components. 3rd Scientific Symposium CRC/Transregio 39 PT-PIESA, Chemnitz, 12.-13. Oktober 2011. High-volume production-compatible production technologies for lightmetal and fiber composite-based components with integrated piezo sensores and actuators
Chemnitz, 2011, S.51-56 (URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-183509.html. Erstelldatum: 7.12.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013)
Determination of the polarization state in LTCC/PZT piezoelectric sensor-actuator modules.
In: Proceedings of Piezo 2011 “Electroceramics for Endusers V”, Sestriere (Italy), 27.02.-02.03.2011, Vortrag M14
Integration of electronic components in glass fibre-reinforced polyurethane composite structures.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications, Dresden (Germany), 22.-23.09.2011
Studien zur prozessimmanenten Online- Polarisation heipresstechnisch integrierter piezokeramischer Aktuatoren in Thermoplastverbundstrukturen
18. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde, Chemnitz 30. März- 01. April 2011
Consolidation behaviour during manufacture of adapted piezoceramic modules for functional integrated thermoplastic composite structures.
In: International Journal of Materials Research, 102 (2011) 8, S.1021-1026
Embedding versus adhesive bonding of adapted piezoceramic modules for function-integrative thermoplastic composite structures.
In: Composites Science and Technology, 71 (2011), S. 1132–1137
Numerical analysis of process induced residual stresses in thermoplastic-compatible piezoceramic modules.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications, Dresden (Germany), 22.-23.09.2011
Characterization of novel thermoplastic-compatible piezoceramic modules for function integrative composite structures.
In: Kompozyty Composites 11 (2011) 2, S. 147-151
Seriengerechte Integration piezokeramischer Sensor- und Aktuatorelemente in Glasfaser-Polyurethan-Verbundstrukturen.
In: Tagungsband 18. Symposium „Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbunde“, Chemnitz, 30.03.-01.04.2011, S. 283-288
Integration of piezoceramic and electronic functional elements in glass fibre-reinforced polyurethane composite structures.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 65-69
Temperature measurements by means of electrical quantities of piezoceramics in smart materials.
In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Composite Structures, Porto (Portugal), 28.-30.06.2011
Integration of piezoceramic sensors and actuators into structural components via high pressure die casting.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 45-50
Experimentelle Charakterisierung des Aushärteverhaltens eines Epoxidharzklebstoff es.
TU Chemnitz, Projektarbeit, 2011
Constitutive modeling, finite element implementation and simulation of thermomechanical coupled processes in curing materials.
In: Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Plasticity & its applications, Puerto Vallarta (Mexico), 03.-09.01.2011
Technologieentwicklung zur seriennahen Herstellung piezokeramischer Komposit-Halbzeuge.
TU Dresden, Diplomarbeit, 2011
Pyroelectric response as a sensitive tool for the characterization of piezoelectrics.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 77-79
Fabrication and Characterization of a Form- and Force-Locked Piezo-Metal Sensor Module.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 23-28.
Process chain and tolerance management for precision manufacturing of piezo-metal-modules.
In: Proceedings of the ISEM 2011, Stellenbosch (Südafrika), 21.-23.09.2011, S. 54-1 – 54-12.
Micro-milling work-holding devices employing adhesive forces.
In: Proceedings of the ISEM 2011, Stellenbosch (Südafrika), 21.-23.09.2011, S. 73-1 – 73-8.
Study on Applicability of Adhesive Forces for Micro-Material Handling In Production Technology.
In: Proceedings of the ISEM 2011, Stellenbosch (Südafrika), 21.-23.09.2011, S. 55-1 – 55-12.
Piezo-metal-composites in structural parts: Technological design, process simulation and material modelling.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011
Miniature 3-DOF planar parallel kinematics with large work space for precision positioning of endeffectors.
In: Proceedings of the 11th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology – euspen, Como (Italy), 23.-26.05.2011, S. 315-318 – ISBN 13: 978-0-9553082-9-1
Smart semi-finished parts for the application in sheet-metal structures.
In: Schuh, Günther (Ed.); Uhlmann, Eckart (Ed.); Neugebauer, Reimund (Ed.) ; Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Produktionstechnik -WGP-;Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik -IWU-, Chemnitz; Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik -IPK-, Berlin: Future trends in production engineering : Proceedings of the first Conference of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering (WGP), Berlin, Germany, 8th-9th June 2011 Berlin: Springer, 2013, S.121-130 (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24491-9_13)
Process chain and tolerance management for precision manufacturing of piezo-metal-modules
in: Proceedings of the ISEM 2011, Stellenbosch (South Africa), September 2011, pp. 54(1)-54(12).
Multi-layer compounds with integrated actor-sensor-functionality.
In: Production Engineering. Research and development 4 (2010), Nr.4, S.379-384 (URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-138535.html. Erstelldatum: 8.4.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11740-010-0255-0)
Piezo-metal-composites as smart structures.
In: Hinduja, S.: Proceedings of the Thirty-Sixth International MATADOR Conference Guildford,
Surrey: Springer London, 2010, S.175-178(URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-137438.html. Erstelldatum: 31.3.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013)
(DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-1-84996-432-6_40)
Mid-frequency PECVD of a-SiCN:H films and their structural, mechanical and electrical properties.
In: Proceedings of the 6th Symposium on Vacuum based Science and Technology, Koszalin-Kolobrzeg (Poland), 19.-22.09.2011, Vortrag O6
A comparative analysis of a-C:H films deposited from five hydrocarbons by thermal desorption spectroscopy.
In: Proceedings of the 13th Joint Vacuum Conference (2011), Strbske Pleso (Slovak Republic), 20.-24.06.2010 – doi:10.1016/j.vacuum.2011.07.037
Enhancement of the inverse method enabling the material parameter identification for piezoceramics
IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium, IUS, art. no. 6293051, pp. 357-360, 2011.
Aluminium-aluminium compound fabrication by high pressure die casting.
In: Materials Science and Engineering A, 528 (2011), S. 7024-7029
Study on the Influence of the Forming Velocity in Micro Impact Extrusion with Modular Dies.
In: Proceedings of the 11th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology – euspen, Como (Italy), 23.-26.05.2011, S. 20-24 – ISBN 13: 978-0-9553082-9-1
Mikrosysteme auf Basis der Mehrkomponentenmikrospritzgießtechnologie (Microsystems based on Multi Component Micro Injection Moulding Technology
Mikrosystemtechnik Konferenz 2011, Darmstadt (Germany), 2011 Oct 11- 12 pp 583- 586 (ISBN: 978-3-8007-3367-5)
Evaluation of polarization of embedded piezoelectrics by the thermal square wave method.
In: Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics and International Symposium on Piezoresponse Force Microscopy & Nanoscale Phenomena in Polar Materials – ISAF-2011-PFM Joint Conference, Vancouver (Canada), 24.-27.07.2011, Vortrag M-PM-A-7-O – DOI: 10.1109/ISAF.2011.6014120
Evaluation of the Polarization State of Integrated Piezoelectrics Using Thermal Waves.
In: Proceedings of the CRC/TR39 3rd Scientific Symposium "Integration of Active Functions into Structural Elements", Chemnitz (Germany), 12.-13.10.2011, S. 87-90
Thermal waves as a tool for the non-destructive evaluation of the polarization state of embedded piezoelectrics.
In: Abstract book of the 7th International Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, Oer-Erkenschwick (Germany), 04.-07.10.2011, S. 21
Nondestructive evaluation of polarization in LTCC/PZT piezoelectric modules by thermal wave methods.
In: Ferroelectrics, 420 (2010), S. 25-29
A modified Preisach hysteresis operator for the modeling of temperature dependent magnetic material behaviour.
In: Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (2011) 7 – 07D338
Initial stress behaviour of micro injection- moulded devices with integrated piezo- fibre composites
4th International Joint Conference on Integrated Systems, Design and Technology. Siegen 2010.
In: Fathi, M. (Hrsg).: Integrated Systems, Design and Technology 2010. Knowledge Transfer in New Technologies. 1. Aufl. Berlin: Springer, 2011. S. 109- 120. ISBN: 978-3-642-17383-7
Microinjection molding of polypropylene filled with multiwall carbon nanotubes- Influence of processing prameters on the mechanical properties
Poster, 2nd nanotoday Conference, Waikoloa, USA., 2011
Modeling and measurement of creep- and rate-dependent hysteresis in ferroelectric actuators.
Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, 172 (1), pp. 245-252, 2011.
Laser soldering and laser droplet joining for mechanical and electrical contacting of LTCC/PZT laminates.
In: Journal of Laser Micro- / Nanoengineering, (2010)
Simulation models for design and production of active structural parts with deformed piezoceramic-metal-compounds.
In: Proeedings of SPIE Smart Structures/NDE 2010 Vol. 7644, San Diego (California/USA), 07.-11.03.2010, S. 764428-1–764428-12 – http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.847513
Sheet metal forming of piezo ceramic-metal-laminar structures – Simulation and experimental analysis.
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 58 (2009), S. 279-282 – begutachtet
Development of a novel Sensor-Actuator-Module with ceramic multilayer technology.
In: JCST-Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology, 1 (2010) 1, S. 55-58
Optical emission spectroscopy to characterise mid-frequency pulsed discharges used for a C:H deposition.
In: Proceedings of the 13th Joint Vacuum Conference – JVC13, Štrbské Pleso (Slovakia), 20.-24.06.2010 – ISBN 978-80-7399-969-8
An alternative way to determine Young´s modulus of thin films.
In: Proceedings of the 74th Annual Meeting 2010 and DPG-Spring Meeting of the Division Condensed Matter, Regensburg (Germany), 21.-26.03.2010
Critical issues in determining Young´s modulus and yield strength of thin films and bulk materials by the model of the effective indenter.
In: Proceedings of the Gordon Research Conferences Thin Film & Small Scale Behavior, Waterville, ME (USA), 25.-30.06.2010
Determination of Young´s modulus of thin films using the con-cept of the effective indenter.
In: Philosophical Magazine, (2010), http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14786435.2010.488253
Sensitivity analysis for the process integrated online polarization of piezoceramic modules in thermoplastic composites.
In: Smart Mater. Struct., 19 (2010), 105022
Prozessintegrierte Piezokeramik-Sensorik und -Aktorik für Faser-Kunststoff-Verbunde.
In: Tagungsband zum 14. Dresdner Leichtbausymposium (SFB/Transregio 39), Dresden, 17.-18.06.2010
Thermal diffusivity measurements by differential LIMM.
In: Electroceramics XII, Trondheim (Norway), June 13-16, 2010, Oral contribution, Paper 43.
Experimental and Numerical Study on Efficient Forming Operations of Sheet-Metal-Compounds with Integrated Piezo-Modules.
13th International Conference on Metal Forming, Japan, September 2010 In: Steal Research International – Metal Forming, 81 (2010) 9, S. 725-728 – ISBN 978-3-514-00774-1
(URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-141616.html. Erstelldatum: 7.4.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013)
Piezo-Metal-Composites as Smart Structures.
In: Proceedings of the 36th International MATADOR Conference, Manchester (UK), 14.-16.07.2010, S. 175-178
Multi-layer compounds with integrated actor-sensor-functionality.
In: Production Engineering Research Development – Production Engineering, Special Issue, 4 (August 2010), S. 379-384 – ISSN: 0944-6524 (Print) 1863-7353 (Online)
Aktive Halbzeuge – Blechverbunde mit Piezo-Kern.
In: ZWF – Zeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 105 (2010) 1/2, S. 57-61 (URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-120657.html. Erstelldatum: 6.4.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013)
Influence of bias voltage on the structure and deposition mechanism of diamond-like carbon films produced by RF (13.56 MHz) CH4 plasma.
In: Physica Status Solidi A, 207 (2010), S. 2311-2318 – ISSN 0031-8965; 1862-6319 online, DOI 10.1002/pssa.200925581
Low temperature PECVD of thin films combining mechanical stiffness, electrical insulation and homogeneity in microcavities.
In: J. Applied Physics, 108 (2010), 043303
Mid-frequency deposition of a C:H films using five different precursors.
In: Vacuum, 84 (2010), S. 958–961
Estimation of Material Parameters for Piezoelectric Actuators Using Electrical and Mechanical Quantities.
In: Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems in Piezoelectricity, Seggau (Austria), 23.-26.08.2010
Identification Procedure for Real and Imaginary Parameters of Piezoceramic Materials.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium 2010, Oktober 2010, S.1-4
Novel Method for the Measurement of Voltage-Strain-Curves of Piezoceramic Single Fibers.
In: Proceedings of Electroceramics XII, Trondheim/N, 13.-16.06.2010
Low-Temperature Sintering of SKN-doped PZT-Fibres.
In: Poster of Electroceramics XII, Trondheim/N, 13.-16.06.2010
Simulation of a Forming Process for Joining a Piezo Aluminium Module.
In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference 2010, Paris (France), 17.-19.11.2010
Micro Impact Extrusion of Precision Cavities with Modular Dies.
In: Proceedings of the 10th international conference of the european society for precision engineering and nanotechnology – EUSPEN, Delft (Netherlands), 31.05.-04.06.2010 – ISBN 978-0-9553082-8-4
Investigation of a force-locked connection of micro piezo elements with aluminium carrier material.
In: Production Engineering, (2010) 4, S.399–405 – DOI 10.1007/s11740-010-0238-1
Nondestructive evaluation of polarization in LTCC/PZT piezoelectric modules by thermal wave methods.
In: 19th International Symposium on the Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF) & 10th European Conference on the Applications of Polar Dielectrics (ECAPD), Edinburgh (UK), August 9-12, 2010, Oral contribution T9.
A Preisach-based hysteresis model for magnetic and ferroelectric hysteresis.
In: Applied Physics A, 100 (2010) 2, S. 425-430
Modeling and measurement of hysteresis of ferroelectric actuators considering time-dependent behavior.
In: Proceedings of Eurosensors XXIV, Linz (Austria), 05.-08.09.2010
Messtechnische Erfassung und Modellierung der Hysterese ferroelektrischer Werkstoffe.
In: Tagungsband zu „Sensoren und Messsysteme“, Nürnberg, 19.05.2010
Sheet metal forming of piezoceramic–metal-laminar structures – simulation and experimental analysis.
In: International Institution for Production Engineering Research -CIRP-, Paris: 59th general assembly of CIRP 2009 = 59ème assemblée générale du CIRP = 59. Mitgliederversammlung des CIRP : Boston, USA, August 23 - 29, 2009 Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2009, S.279-282 (CIRP annals 58.2009, Nr.1) (URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-100588.html. Erstelldatum: 7.6.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013) (DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cirp.2009.03.058)
New modular piezo actuator with built-in stress-strain transformation.
In: Proceedings of “Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems 2009 – International Symposium Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring”, San Diego, 09.-12.03.2009 – Bellingham, WA: SPIE, 2009 (SPIE Proceedings Series 7288);
Paper 72881O, http://link.aip.org/link/?PSI/7288/72881O/1
Novel In-line Method for Patterned deposition of Conductive Structures.
In: Organic Electronics, 10 (2009) 3, S.547-550
Robust LTCC/PZT Sensor-Actuator-Module für Aluminium Die Casting.
In: Tagungsband zu EMPC 2009, Rimini (Italy), 15.-18.06.2009
LTCC/PZT Modules for Adaptive Structures.
In: Proceedings of ISPA 2009, Dresden, 24.-25.09.2009 – (als Vortrag angenommen)
Laser Droplet Generation - Application to Droplet Joining.
In: CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Paper E-19R2, 2009
Lightweight structures with autarchic functional piezoceramic modules for energy harvesting.
In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Composites or Nano engineering, Honolulu (Hawaii/USA), 26.07.-01.08.2009
Lightweight structures with autarchic functional piezoceramic modules.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications ISPA 2009, Dresden, 24.-25.09.2009
On the usage of the effectively shaped indenter concept for analysis of yield strength.
In: Journal of Materials Research 24 (2009) 3, S.1258-1269
Effective indenter concept for determination of thin films Young´s modulus and yield strength.
In: Proceedings of the ECI Conference Nanomechanical Testing in Materials Research and Development, Barga (Tuscany/Italy), 11.-16.10.2009 – (als Poster angenommen)
Measurement of Mechanical Properties for Materials of Interest in Microelectronics Using Indentation Methods: Porous Low-k Dielectrics and Soft Metallic Thin Films as Examples.
In: Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Meeting 2009 and DPG-Spring Meeting of the Division Condensed Matter, Dresden, 22.03.-27.03.2009
Influence of Intrinsic Stress on the Measurement of the Onset of Yielding for Thin Films Using Depth-Sensing Spherical Indentation.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF 2009), San Diego (USA), 27.04.-01.05.2009
Processing studies for the development of a robust manufacture process for active composite structures with matrix adapted piezoceramic modules.
In: Composites, 9 (2009) 2, S.133-137
Process development for volume production of function-integrative thermoplastic composite structures with embedded piezoceramic modules.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications ISPA 2009, Dresden, 24.-25.09.2009
Design and testing of novel piezoceramic modules for adaptive thermoplastic composite structures.
In: Smart Materials and Structures, 18 (2009), 045012
Development of novel piezoceramic modules for adaptive thermoplastic composite structures capable for series production.
In: Sensors and Actuators A, 156 (2009), S. 22-27
Auslegung und Fertigung von thermoplastverbundkompatiblen Piezokeramik-Modulen für adaptive Leichtbau-strukturen.
In: Krenkel, W. (Hrsg.): Verbundwerkstoffe - 17. Symposium Verbundwerkstoffe und Werkstoffverbünde, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2009
State space models of piezo-mechanical systems as method for coupling of finite element simulation and control design.
In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop "Direct and Inverse Problems of Piezoelectricity", Oktober 2009
Aspekte der Dynamik bei der Modellierung von Piezo-Metall-Modulen.
In: Tagungsband 2. Wissenschaftliches Symposium des SFB/TR 39 PT-PIESA, Dresden, 27.-28.04.2009
Material integrated textile sensors in lightweight structures.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure, Zurich (Switzerland), 22.07.-24.07.2009 – (SHMII-4)
Identification of Anisotropic Damage on CFRP Tubes using Computer Tomography and Automated Analysis Methods.
In: Proceedings of ICCM-17 – 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, Edinburgh International Convention Centre – EICC (Edinburgh/UK), 27.-31.07.2009
Novel injection molding technique for light-weight applications.
In: Proceedings of MOLDING 2009, New Orleans (Louisiana/USA), 26.-28.01.2009
Piezo-Module-Compounds in Metal Forming - Experimental and Numerical Studies.
In: Brezina, T.: Recent advances in mechatronics : 2008-2009 Berlin: Springer, 2009, S.257-262
(URL: http://publica.fraunhofer.de/documents/N-112777.html. Erstelldatum: 8.4.2011. Zugriffsdatum: 19.4.2013)
Die Castings with Integrated PZT-Modules – Fabrication and Functionalities.
In: Tagungsband IV ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, Porto (Portugal), 13.-15.07.2009
High-efficient and low-costz production of piezoceramic fibres.
In: Proceedings of ISPA 2009, Dresden, 24.-25.09.2009 – (als Vortrag angenommen)
Simulation of a modular Die Stamp for Micro Impact Extrusion.
In: Proceedings of the European COMSOL Conference 2009, Mailand (Italy), 14.-16.10.2009 – ISBN 978-0-9825697-2-6 (auf CD)
Inverse Method to estimate material parameters for piezoceramic disc actuators.
In: Applied Physics A, 97 (2009) 4, S. 735-740
Estimation of material parameters for piezoelectric actuators using electrical and mechanical quantities.
In: IEEE – International Ultrasonics Symposium 2009, Roma (Italy), 20.-23.09.2009, S. 1-4
Simulation Based Material Parameter Identification for Piezoelectric Actuators.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications ISPA 2009, Dresden, 24.-25.09.2009
Research and development of active flexural actuator modules based on PZT thick-films.
In: Poster of APNFM 2008 - Advanced Processing for Novel Functional Materials, Dresden, 23.-25.01.2008
LTCC/PZT Sensor-Actuator-Module.
In: Beiträge Electroceramics XI, Manchester, 31.08.-03.09.2008
Determination of yield stress and elastic modulus under complete consideration of the substrate influence demonstrated on a-C:H films.
In: Proceedings of the 72nd Annual Meeting 2008 and DPG-Spring Meeting of the Division Condensed Matter, Berlin, 25.-29.02.2008
On the Usage of the Effectively Shaped Indenter Concept for Advanced Indentation Studies: Hardness and Yield Strength of Fused Silica.
In: Proceedings of the Newcastle Nanoindentation Conference, Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK), 28.-30.07.2008
Mechanical Characterisation of Thin Films: Yield Strength and Elastic Modulus of a-C:H Films as an Example.
In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2008), Garmisch-Patenkirchen (Germany), 15.-19.09.2008
Robust manufacture of fibre-reinforced composites with embedded piezoceramic modules for automotive applications.
In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference EUROSENSORS 2008, Dresden, 07.-10.09.2008
Development of novel piezoceramic modules for adaptive thermoplastic composite structures capable for series production.
In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference EUROSENSORS 2008, Dresden, 07.-10.09.2008
Concept for Derivation of Homogenized Models for Piezo Metal Modules.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop "Direct and Inverse Problems of Piezoelectricity", Pommersfelden, 29.09.-01.10.2008
Laser Based Contacting Of Thin Metal Coated Active Elements.
In: LIA (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 27th ICALEO, LIA, 2008
Relationship between stresses and structure of DLC thin films.
In: Poster of the 11th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (PSE 2008), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany), 15.-19.09.2008
Integration of piezoceramic modules into die castings – procedures and functionalities.
In: Advances in Science and Technology, 56 (2008), S. 170-175
Prozesstechnische Untersuchungen zu textilen Einlegestrukturen.
TU Chemnitz, Diplomarbeit, 2008
Fließpressen von Mikrostrukturen – Umformtechnische Herstellung von Mikrokavitäten in Aluminiumfeinblechen mittels Fließpressen.
In: wt Werkstattstechnik online, 98 (2008) 10
Smart structural components by integration of sensor/actuator-modules in die castings.
In: Proceedings of the 14th SPIE Int. Symposium of Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, San Diego (CA/USA), 18.-22.03.2007
Smart Die Castings - Structural Components with Enhanced Funcionalities.
In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications, Dresden, 27.-28.09.2007
Study about possibilities for direct integration of piezo-fibers in sheet metal.
In: Dapino, M. J. (Hrsg.): Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional and Composite Materials 2007 (San Diego, 18.-23.03.2007), Bellingham (WA): SPIE, 2007 – (SPIE Proceedings Series 6526), Paper 65260J, http://link.aip.org/link/?PSI/6526/65260J/1
Development of active microstructures based on PZT thick-films.
In: Proceedings of the ISPA 2007 - International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications, Dresden, 27.-28.09.2007
PZT Thick Films for Sensor and Actuator Applications.
In: Journal of the European Ceramics Society; 27 (2007) 13-15, S. 4177-4180
On the problem of mechanical contact for layered materials with a large difference in elastic moduli.
In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Indentation Workshop 2007, Cambridge (UK), 15.-17.07.2007
Novel function-integrated lightweight solutions based on thermoplastic composites and material-adapted piezoceramic actor modules.
In: Advanced Materials and Technologies – AMT, (2007) 3/4, S. 254-260
Development of novel piezoceramic actuator modules for the embedding in intelligent lightweight structures.
In: Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, 24 (2007) 1, S. 390-396
Innovative Lightweight Solutions by Textile Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites with Embedded Material-Adapted Piezoceramic Actuator Modules.
In: Proceedings of the ISPA 2007 - International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications, Dresden, 27.-28.09.2007
Robust manufacturing of textile-reinforced thermoplastic composites with embedded piezo-ceramic actuators for automotive applications.
In: Tagungsband European Congress on Advanced Materials and Processes EUROMAT 2007, Nürnberg, 10.-13.09.2007
Contribution to active noise control by new production concepts for textile-reinforced thermoplastic composites with material-embedded piezo-ceramic modules.
In: Proceedings of INTER-NOISE, Istanbul (Turkey), 28.-31.08.2007
Advanced Functionalities of Fiber-Reinforced Thermoplastic Composites by Material-Adapted Embedding of Piezo-Ceramic Fibers using robust Manufacturing Technologies.
In: Proceedings of ETDCM8, Costa Rei (Sardinia/Italy), 3.-6.10.2007
Laser Droplet Welding – Bonding on thin substrates.
In: Geiger, M.; Otto, A.; Schmidt, M. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of LANE 2007, Bamberg: Meisenbach Verlag, 2007
Series production technology for high-performance fibre composite components with structure integrated sensors.
In: CAMES – Computer Assisted Mechanics and engineering sciences, 14 (2007) 4, S. 659-663
A comparative experimental analysis of the a-C:H deposition processes using CH4 and C2H2 as precursors.
Journal of Applied Physics, 102 (2007), 053304
Effects of CH4 and C2H2 as precursor on the RF plasma deposition of hard a-C:H films.
In: Proceedings of the 17th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-17); the 13th International Conference on Surface Science (ICSS-13) and the International Conference on Nano Science and Technology (ICN+T 2007), Stockholm (Sweden), 02.-06.07.2007
Development of a piezoceramic fibre technology based on the Polysulfone process.
In: Beiträge zu 1) EuroMat; Nürnberg; 12.09.2007, 2) International Symposium on Piezocomposite Applications; Dresden; 27.-28.09.2007, 3) Aachen-Dresden International Textile Conference; Aachen; 29.-30.11.2007
Smart Materials by Integrating Piezoceramic Modules in Die Castings.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Aluminium, Essen, 21.-22.09.2006
Optimized Fixing Technique for the Integration of Piezoceramic Modules in Die Castings.
In: Gießereiforschung, 58 (2006) 1, S. 11-15
Integration of Piezoceramic Modules in Die Castings - A New Production Technology.
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Design and manufacture of advanced piezoceramic actors for the application in novel morphing structures made of fibre-reinforced thermoplastics.
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Actor-initiated snap-through of unsymmetric composites with multiple deformation states.
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Design and manufacturing of smart textile compliant hinges.
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