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DFG CRC/Transregio 39 PT-PIESA
SP T01

Active vibration control on structural components of a rear axle using integrated piezo actuators to reduce gear whine noise

W.-G. Drossel

  1. Aims
  2. Methods
  3. Publications
  4. Contact


Solution for the goal conflict between lightweight design, driving dynamics, drive and noise comfort in form of structurally integrated piezo-actuator applied on a rear axle assembly for active noise and vibration control.

  • Development of a robust actuator system for rear axles in vehicles based on a concept for structural integration of piezo-modules ready for series production, which are resistant against external influences (dirt, heat, moisture etc.)
  • Integration in rear axle components (e.g. rear axle frame) for a direct force transmission or as active absorber on the basis of structurally integrated piezo elements


Modeling and Simulation

  • Simulation of the electro-dynamic behavior of piezo-mechanical systems considering the interaction with the structure of the rear axle assembly.

t01Simulation model of a rear axle assembly

Experimental Verification

  • Operational deflection shape analysis and transfer path analysis on a vehicle
  • Component analysis on rear axle test rig
rear axle
test rig

Piezointegration in Sheet Metal Parts

  • Local application of piezomodules
  • Selection of adhesive
  • Electrical contacting
manufacturing with local cover sheet

Forming of composite parts

  • Optimization of tool concept
  • Forming and characterization of load
Example tool for deep drawing


Reviewed publications

[Tro16] Troge J, Drossel W-G, Lochmahr M, Zumach S (2016)
Reducing rear axle gear whine noise inside a car by influencing the structure-borne sound transfer path using structurally integrated piezo-actuators. In: Miyara, Federico ; Asociación de Acústicos Argentinos -AdAA-:
22nd International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2016. Proceedings : Buenos Aires, 5 to 9 September, 2016
[Dro06] Drossel W-G (2006)
Adaptronik Anwendungen. In: Schirmer W (Hrsg) Technischer Lärmschutz, Grundlagen und praktische Maßnahmen zum Schutz vor Lärm und Schwingungen von Maschinen. Springer, Berlin, S 426-444
[Neu10a] Neugebauer R, Lachmann L, Drossel W-G, Nestler M, Hensel S (2010)
Multi-layer compounds with integrated actor-sensor-functionality. Prod Eng Res Devel 4(4):379-384
[Neu13] Neugebauer R, Lachmann L, Drossel W-G, Nestler M, Hensel S (2013)
Smart Semi-Finished Parts for the Application in Sheet-Metal Structures. In: Schuh G et al. (eds) Future trends in production engineering, Berlin, Germany, pp 121-130
[Dro13] Drossel W-G, Hensel S, Nestler M, Lachmann L (2013)
Evaluation of Actuator, Sensor and Fatigue Performance of Piezo-Metal-Composites. IEEE Sens J, doi:10.1109/JSEN.2013.2296143)
[Dro14] Drossel W-G, Hensel S, Nestler M, Lachmann L, Schubert A, Müller M, Müller B (2014)
Experimental and numerical study on shaping of aluminum sheets with integrated piezoceramic fibers. In: J Mater Process Technol 214(2):217-228
[Neu10c] Neugebauer R, Drossel W-G, Pagel K, Kranz B (2010)
Making of state space models of piezomechanical systems with exact impedance mapping and strain output signals. In: Proc 12th Mechatron Forum Biennal Int Conf, vol 2, pp 73-80

Andere Veröffentlichungen

[Neu10b] Neugebauer R, Drossel W-G, Lachmann L, Hensel S, Nestler M (2010)
Experimental and Numerical Study on efficient Forming Operations of Sheet-Metal-Compounds with Integrated Piezo- Modules. In: Steel Res Int, Metal Forming 81(9):725-728
[Neu12] Neugebauer R, Drossel W-G, Lachmann L, Nestler M, Hensel S (2012)
Actuator and Sensor Performance of Piezo-Metal-Composites. In: IEEE Sens Proc. Taiwan, pp 355-358


Project Manager:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Welf-Guntram Drossel
Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Umformtechnik IWU
Reichenhainer Straße 88
09126 Chemnitz

Phone: +49 371 5397-1400


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